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A new change has just gone in that removes the “Personal Objectives” of all people that are transferred.
This solves issues such as Dan Friekbin wanting to win Serie A while being Everton owner and other similar issues.
I don't know where to ask this so sorry if this is not the right place. I wanted to start a career with Frankfurt but i noticed that european spots were not given correctly. Top 4 is correct. 5th Dortmund qualified for CL. In the database they dont play in european comp at all. Similar with frankfurt. They should be in EL but are in none. Hoffenheim should be in EL but are in confl. Heidenheim should be in confl and are in none. Instead Kaiserslautern (2.Bundesliga) have an EL spot probably because they were in the cup final. (even though this rule doesnt exist anymore in quiet some time). I've only activated the files from the download. I even tried to edit the files myself and some changes were applied but not all. It stays at 4 cl teams instead of 5. And Kaiserslautern forcing themselfs to EL. I dont know where this is coming from.
Nice to meet you.
I purchased class FM mode. And I properly installed the files. They all work well but I wonder why the loaned players belong to their original team? Like Nicolo Zaniolo, Anthony, Victor Oshimhen etc… and the league table is also kinda broken ( I guess maybe it's not compatible with FMRTE mod?)
Anyway these are my questions, thanks you.
It's not compatible with a future start date file if that's what you mean by FMRTE mod. If you've fast forwarded to June 2024 then the loan players will have returned to their parent club.
@Footygamer how can it be that e.g. Rashford is not on loan at Aston Villa? if, for example, I just download the one called Update FM24, he is still in the man utd and has not been unborrowed, and if I download the one called Classic FM where you pay £5 for, is it a mistake or
I have the same problem in today's update, everything was working before.
Sorry this was a human error, mods have to manually open the editor and create the fmf version each day (since SI removed the ability to use XML) and it seems like one of the mods uploaded the wrong file. It's being fixed right now.
bugunkü güncelleme hatalı mı transfer yamasını indiriyorum ancak günceleme olmuyor herşeyi doğru yaptığıma eminim 5 yıldır transfer yaması yapıyorum ilk defa hatayla karşılaştım
It is fixed.
Burhan Salih 86
Hi All,
Im hoping someone can help me.
I have installed the new data update and if I select them all in the options and start a new game none of the transfers work…players that have been sold from a club are still there. Its almost like the game ignores it
I am on a mac and i have put all the files in the right place see screenshot.
Same thing here, they forgot to update South America apparently
I updated the data today but there was no change. The old settings are still valid. What can I do?
Burhan Salih 86
Redownloaded the update and all ok now.
Sorry to say this, and don't get me wrong please, because I appreciate every afford you guys put in the data updates. I always used it for my new FM saves for many years. But his data update needs a update itself, because many things are not right. For example the Ajax team is not correct as how they end the transfer window and even the previous window.
I'm still trying but nothing has changed unfortunately.
What changes don't work in the update available right now?
The data update itself does not work. There are simply no new transfers taking place.
I have just downloaded it and I see Rashford on loan at Aston Villa and Joao Felix on loan at AC Milan.
Can you give an example of change not appearing, then I will test.
Eren Elmalı - Galatasaray
As you said, for example, Felix and Rashford are not in their new teams, they are in their old teams.
Yeah, there is a problem with today's update as well… No new transfers and almost all teams have missing managers ://
Yes the problem is the same today. The one released at (11 Feb 2025 18:25:34) should work.
You can find it here: https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/releases
There is a problem with the update, the staff has reverted to the old one, please help.
The update today does not work. We are trying to fix it. You can download the one from yesterday (look at my comment above).
Hi Everyone,
We greatly appreciate your effort and I wonder if you could post here when you solve the problem. I can't wait to start my career with the new Classic FM patch.
Until then the one released at (11 Feb 2025 18:25:34) should work.
You can find it here: https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update/releases
last data update is not working
i doing data update but its not working why?
I have been trying since yesterday but there is still no change. I don't understand why it doesn't work. I am putting the files into the editor data in sports interactive but the result doesn't change. What should I do?
how did you fix it ?