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Bielsa is a Legend
I must say 23 has served up a better quality of female staff for PA and Press officers-maybe a pre curser to the female game in 24?
oh nice, where do you find them ?
Bielsa is a Legend
I add cut out faces of female staff in the mega pack, there was a mod for 22 that found the id’s, think it’s on fmscout?
I must add, Scarlett looks mischievous!!
i tried everything and its not working. can u please share the files that you used?
thank you in advance
Bielsa is a Legend
Did you run the regen I’d finder? It’s on fm scout 22 downloads
i was using one in the fm 2023 section … i now used the fm 2022 one and … it works … tanks a lot
Bielsa is a Legend
Welcome mate
its easy and makes a big difference
Would it be possible via coding to change the names of the personal secretary and the press officer or not?
Bielsa is a Legend
I Agree, its annoying when you get a PA called Bernard and you have a lovely blonde image for him
i just keep start a new game until i get an Imogen, or a Victoria
currently i have an Emily and a Cecilia
Oliver Ilievski
HELP needed!!!!!!
I can't find my PO and PA ID number. Any help?
Bielsa is a Legend
you need to make sure the regen finder is in faces, you need to remove the staff folder to your desk top-then reset skin
this will make black boxes with numbers appear-note the number and go back to your staff faces folder and allocate the 2 numbers for PA and press to the face you want
then move back the staff folder from desktop to graphics/face
then reset skin again
Having an issue with myself on FM23:
Interestingly, if I edit the config file ( into the Folder: 0000Staff in the Path: … \graphics\faces )
to just the three requisite lines I need (In my case 73, 980, 981) = press officer, personal assistent, team assistant
it doesn't work, and all three images don't change...
however, If I place the config file into the folder untouched, it works great with my own images renamed to the corresponding ID numbered images. All fine. However, in doing this, I lose all regen player faces.
Any ideas?
Edit: Problem solved.
i changed the path to all other facepacks i installed. now it works perfect ingame, togehter with all facepacks, the default newgen faces….
Path: … \graphics\pictures\players
Oliver Ilievski
THX A LOT mate
very nice solution
and it works
Hey mate, where did you download your player regen face pack from?
Bielsa is a Legend
as per my screenie earlier, you can have sub folders in pictures/faces-I have a purely staff one the PA and Press officer pick from
Hi. I’m having exactly the same issue but i cant figure out how to get round it. In my graphics folder I have pictures > sortitoutsi > and then two folders, faces (cutouts) and staff (what I want for my PA and PO). All works fine except regen staff pictures disappear totally (not even a silhouette). Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?
Edit: Using Notepad + + I've managed to isolate the lines of the config for the pictures I want, but there are a couple of thousand lines per picture, which I'm assuming means there are a couple of thousand regen characters in the game with the same face now. Any ideas how to whittle it down to the exact ID for my PA, PO and player liaison officer?
For Personal Assistant you don't need to search ID. PA's ID is always your manager's ID +1.
For example if your manager is 2002101810, than your PA is 2002101811.
For Press and liaison officer I have no clue. Never “investigated” those people 😀 …
Has anyone figured out how to change the names of your Personal Assistant, Press Officer and Liason?
Bielsa is a Legend
No, but in latest update I have noticed more female names, so no more Brian’s and Tony’s,
Hovis Dexter
Where do you find female cut out faces? I've tried searching on line but can't find any that I like.
Denny Anthonia
Help me for fm touch 2021
Bielsa is a Legend
I don’t use touch sorry
Hi Bielsa, where do you change the path for the faces folder?
If i add the press officer and PA to the config file (see screenshot), i lose all of my Newgen faces I created (see 2nd screenshot), I don't know how to change the pathway mentioned previously to stop this happening. Any ideas?