Here is the full version of my Stato Skin for FM24, this is a transparency skin to enable background images, also a club and competition colour based themed. Please note that I will not be taking requests to change anything unless it is a skin fault. Enjoy!!!
PLEASE EDIT ZOOM to 95% in interface settings get the full benefits of this skin.
If you want to change to a competition coloured themed skin there is a download link, unzip the file and place it in all inc files in the folders in the below image.

Special thanks and credits goes to the below for all the help and experience gained from them.
Keysi - Skinning Hideout
Snowofman - Skinning Hideout
Woz - Skinning Hideout
Bluestillidie - Skinning Hideout
FME - Skinning Hideout
Asmenthol - Skinning Hideout
And a thanks to these as well
Daz - Press Conference Backgrounds
Steve - Background Images
DF11 - For the Player panels
Mydfield - Competition Colours File
New Download 19th November
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Hey love the skin!
I am on Mac and I cannot see the full pitch tactic view the right side of the pitch is missing, I've tired zoom out 95% & 85 and still not working. any ideas?
Hey, Can you share a screenshot when you get the chance
Good afternoon, I have the same problem when I play a match in the Dutch Cup. Can I also use this file for this, or do other adjustments need to be made?
Stefano Dolci
hi @Stato_M is it possible change colour in the bar? thank you
I believe that's hard coded this year, I'll have a tinker around though this weekend and see what I can come up with, will keep you posted.
GaNgSta LoVe
Hello sir, I am using base skins. I just want to place these logos you made here, can you help me?
David Noble
hi mate awesome skin! been using it for the past two years. im playing as man utd and was wondering if theres a fix for everything being whited out, mainly the 3d match tactic panel. thanks 🙂
Have you got a screen shot please buddy?
hey,i have downloaded the files unzipped them and put them in the skin s folder but the skin is still not showing in preferences
and i don't see .fmf file after download
Are you fix the problem? Same story…
coffee cup
Competition one what folder does this one go in ?
This is my favorite skin but I accidentally offered a contract to a trialist during a game and it has broken it.
The rest of the game played out with the office background showing, and now in new matches the statistical overlay keeps playing during highlights.
I've uninstalled the skin and started over with freshly downloaded but it doesn't help. Clicking on the tablet style button the stat overlay comes out of doesnt do anything.
Very grateful for any help!
unrelated to stato skin. Clicking on scoreboard at top fixes it. Sorry for time-waste
buonasera, qualcuno sa' come modificare le dimensioni della foto profilo?
If you have a play around with the player overview panel and look at the line with minimum hight edit that and you should be able to resize this to how you want
<!-- Profile picture -->
<widget class="picture" id="prop" minimum_height="310" priority="1" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x">
<record id="object_property">
<list id="get_properties">
<record get_property="fcgn" />
<record get_property="Pfke" />
<record get_property="prpc" set_property="valu" />
risolto grazie!
ora si!!!
c'e' un modo per rendere la sidebar e il pannello di sopra trasparente sempre colorato?
Hello, Stato M. Just have to try this out. Thank you. Have to say, your screenshot work of your skin truly catches one's attention when browsing all of the FM24 yeargroup skin offerings, as the eye sees Birdy and the images you shared on the first page of this thread with what, I guess, some might call New (very big) White Hart Lane and the steep, sloped end. Thank you for offering a skin like this. Surely it is fine work like this that inspires big cup wins like this time last week, yes? 😉 Thanks for sharing this. Those who dare, do. And obviously they skin too.
Hi, mate, amazing skin! Oh, really good work.
Just want to confirm my curiosity: why are “person properties” files in the “panels” folder? and why are there two different ones in different subfolders? Thanks.
I love your skin, my only issue is why is Age neglected from the Players profiles ?
Can't you add something like what shows on staff members profiles?
Not sure what you mean as the age is clear to see on the player profiles, please see below.
But it is not on the attribute one, all the other skins have them there as well.
is just a suggestion anyway
Please read original post
When playing in the Premier league the side bar is white when in game in game tactics menu in the bottom left is unreadable as the box is white and so is the writing in it.
Please see previous posts in this thread on how to resolve these issues
GMP 1891
Does anyone know which folder contains the file with the post match interview?
This is panel>human>press conference panel