This Skin adds tons of extra data to various screens
There are 4 different options:
- Sas24.March.2.fmf - The Main Skin
- Sas24.Mar.2-hidden.fmf - The Main Skin with Hidden Attributes (requires In Game Editor)
- Sas24.Mar.2-laptop.fmf - Smaller version Optimised for Laptops
- Sas24.Mar.2-laptop-hidden.fmf - The Laptop Version with Hidden Attributes (requires In Game Editor)
+ 4 Zip packed
+ Sas24 FAQ
This skin is free to use and will always be free
If you feel like buying me a coffee so i can stay awake. it's never expected, but highly appreciated

Screen Resolution
Desktop version is optimized for 1920x1080 at 100% - 95% is preferred.
Laptop version is optimized for 1366x768 at 85% zoom
17th Mar 2024
- Fixed assists in the Team analysis view
- Changed "Match stats button" to be default, and MOD will now remove it
- Added home and away attendance to halftime screen and fulltime screen (center top midt)
- *Added Mods*
- Removes Match stats button from fixture page right side
15th Mar 2024
- Little update with stuff i forgot for the March update
- Added Loan out info to supporter page in club info
- Added "played minutes" back to the player stats panel
- *Added Mods*
- Adds Match stats on fixture page right side
1st Mar 2024
- Added DoB to agent offers on transfer deadline day
- Added side by side passing network panel to match tablet panels
- Removed the old "record" button in matches(next to instant result) as i never noticed that it was removed in the default game
- Change the circles to shirts on the bottombar tactics - Thanks to Geo28 for the idea
- Added player Stats to match tablet tabs - Thank to "Zekajlo" for the suggestion
- Combined player name and nationality on Opp instruction page
- Added promises next to recent match analysis and past meetings tab under the tactic in the tactic screen
- Asking price on contracts offer right side info panel, has been replaced by "current wage" which made more sense
- Squad page info bar has been redone. (desktop only for now)
- Adjustments has been made all over. (on the places i knew or heard needed it)
1st Feb 2024
- Nationality added to Opponent instrustions screen
- Average age in the Squad page info bar, should be more accurate now
- Fixed past meeting button text in the fixture list
- Added Home-Grown due date to player profil
- Fixed Shot-Maps home and away panels in tablet
- Added info icon next to Bookmarks header
- Added "big" kits to "club info - General" page
- Match tablet has been reverted back to what Sas24 was originaly released with.
13th Jan 2024
- Backroom staff ID - has been made into a Mod instead of being there by default (see the FAQ)- (it prevented spacebar to be used as continue)
- Corrected names of panels on the Tablet (Horizontal/Vertical)
- Added Momentum panel to left side panel
- Missing faces has returned to Inbox - Staff recommendations for players for next Team2 and U19 matches
- And Team selection advice (mail)
- And next opponent (home screen)
10th Jan 2024
- Match tablet has once again been reworked and tested and should be free of screen freezes
- i've also added Scout knowledge to Human manager profil
- Staff profile, scout knowledge is now fixed.
- Added a note in the FAQ on how to make the Tablet able to move all the way to the left panel (for higher resolutioons then 1920x1080)
-- Disabled: I have disabled faces from the "Inbox - Staff recommendations for players for next Team2 and U19 matches" as it had a massive lag --
-- 4th Jan and & 5th Jan updates --
- I've removed the "update notes on these 2 dates as it was match tablet fixes and as they didnt fix anything they are useless..
-- what was added on those dates is below --
- I've added Backroom ID's in Mail title
- i've trimmed the "Player training panel" so it now fits into the smaller panels at the bottom
1st Jan 2024 update
- THE MATCH FREEZE: in 1st highlight that some ppl encountred "should" be fixed and should not happend again.!
- Adjusted text here and there
- Added stuff here and there
- Fixed color issues with quick flick buttons when looking at staff
- Added Average position - vertical panel to the match tablet
- Added Average position with and without ball to analysis tab on tablet - With Thanks and permission from Wozzie - Tato
- Personality added the right side panel contract offer (no club and have club)
- FM stag page has been corrected to not have 3 of the same datahub popup's
- City name added to club info page next to the stadium name
---Desktop only--- (sorry)
- Added Pizza Chart panel to bottom right panel in player profil (100%, 95% and 85% Zoom) versions - With Thanks and persmission from Gimn - Mustermann
- Mod to have the 4 extra panels on player profil (for high resolutions) - please read the FAQ
3rd Dec 2023 update
* Non vital update * Corrected a missing update of the Face and Front mod
1st Dec 2023 updates
- Assistant advice panel in matches has been removed as it's no longer part of the default game and was just blank
- Set pieces added to home screen next opponent tab
- Set pieces added to staff page bottom view(Coaching attributes)
- Age on Player profil and Staff profil is now able to be edited.
- Players age has now been turned green on the player profil, just like on the player popup
- In match % at the bottom bar now Live updates, Thanks for "Flut" for helping me locate the issue
- In match scoreboard has had clock and result font's not gonna be changed again
- Mail Scout Cards has been adjusted slightly, they still need a redo at some point. (not sure how it looks on laptops as i don't have one)
- Mini tactic on tactics collaps in the tactic screen is back... the "gongs" had run off with it. but i found it and got it back!
- Supporter Profil added to Club info page tab list
- Feet icons added to opposition instructions screen
- Duration has been added to the mail target/promises update page
- Match Tablet background got a colour change thanks to "DazS8"
- Staff Hidden attributes has been added to Hidden attribute version
- Mod to remove % from the player profil has been added
- Mod to be able to see the label for Moral icon in squad view has been added
6th Nov 2023 update
- Small adjustments and minor fiddeling done
- Set pieces data added to next match in the data hub
- Play contribution panel "should" be fixed so it no longer shows as a full primary colour box of the team, and not match the rest of the page
- The FM Stag Stats has been updated - based on :
30th Oct 2023 update
- REMOVED: Pos-Stats has been removed as it was causing the lag when entering the player profil
- Zip packed Skins have been added for easier use of mods - personal use
- Player profil faces/kits animations has been removed as they were causing some lag on the page
- Player profil Kits can now be changed to be seen from the front and as face only (see the SAS24 FAQ)
- The 4 extra panels for Higher resolutions has been removed as they caused problems with the panels below on higher resolutions
- Line between left Menu and Page has been moved to the border.
- I have changed the Panel Selectors ID's in the hopes the panels will start remembering things and not have alzheimers (your panels WILL be a mess 1st time now)
- Non Scouted players and trial players will now have the panels populate as normal
- In match single team passing maps(home and away panel) has been fixed so both no longer only shows the home team.
24th Oct 2023 update
- REMOVED: Transfer History page has been reverted back to default as the "old" code with bars did work properly anymore
- Skins have had some minor adjustments.
- Personality added to staff popup
- Staff face has been moved abit to the right
- Dobbelt arrows reverted back to single arrows, they would not play nice 😢
21st Oct 2023 update
- Bookmarks Menu - Has been moved 1 link down, scrollbar will show once the space is used. check the FAQ on how to reduce / get more room
- Few new panels added to player profil
- Stuff has been nuked, stamped on and then put back in place (nothing has been removed)
- There is currently 1 "wip" panel
- Skin has gone from 39.9mb down to 21.45mb
Credits and Thanks
- Michaeltmurrayuk for the mods
- Bluestillidie00
- Flut
- FMEnchanced
- _Ben_
- Gimn
- BuzzR
- Drakestone
- Keysi
- A31632
- Tato
- Wkdsoul
- Tyburn
- OPZ skin
- Andromeda skin
- Cat Skin FM22
- Flut skin
- YACS skin
- TCS Skin
- Ironowl
- DazS8 - for Match Tablet colouring
- MaxPower22 and friend for lag testing
- FM Stag - FM Stag Stats
- Margs for Laptop feedback, idea's etc
Twitch links
- Jebaroo at - for deep match freeze testing.
- Ecxoes at
- Dreamtrip at
- Conriddle at
- Secondyellowcard at
- Davidnyholm at
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My skin looks like this and I can't see anything beacuse of the white bg. How can I change that?
And by the way how can I combine the sidebar color change with the bookmark side bar? thanks
i'm sorry, but i'm unable to help you as i have no idea what changes you have made
a better place is to go and seek help and advice in the SI Skinning forum
ragazzi scusate il disturbo, ma qualcuno sa' qual'e' il file per modificare le finestre del tablet? nelle statistiche dei giocatori non mi da' le icone della condizione ma solo i voti. Non e' un problema di questa skin…
Can you show a screenshot ?
also are we talking laptop or desktop version
and which resolution are you using
Come puoi vedere non ho le icone della condizione ( cuori) e vorrei capire quale file devo modificare. Gioco con la versione desktop a 1920 x 1080.
as it's not my skin (maybe it's a frankenstein) i can't tell you the name 100%
but you can look in “match in between highlights panel” and that way locate the selector file that has all the panels, that way you should be able to locate the file you need to edit
a really good place to ask question is in the SI forum Skinners hideout 🙂
How can i increase the background opacity higher than 80%?
file = options_panel
line 885 add hidn="true"
remove hidn="true" from the % you want instead
File = container
line 21 add hidn="true"
remove hidn="true" from the % you want instead
File = overlays
line 25 add hidn="true"
remove hidn="true" from the % you want instead
save file, clear the cache and reload the skin
Thank you.
@sasmaz can i have opacity values higher than 80%?
yes, but you'll have to add the option to the files said above and create the graphics that will do the % you would like
check graphics\boxes\overlay
thats the current options