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In this post I am asking help to know how do I change this small window to disable it or simply avoid it to cover the match visualisation , cause it covers all the left side of the match …
I Have no idea on how to disable it since its not a window that I need , usually you can hide this windows during the live match but I find no way to do it in Flut Skin …
If anyone can help me on this and tell me how to hide this window please tell me ..Thanks a lot people !
Bielsa is a legend
press the clock, and buy FM24
No I will not buy it yet,
And apart from some small stuff its not that different from this FM22
Now thank you for the helpful tip for the issue I am asking help!
Bielsa is a legend
assume you didnt press the clock then
and there are significant variances, but you wont know unless you buy
Did press the clock and it worked ..Thank you !
As for the new 24 version of FM if you realise that they charge around 60$ every year for the same version with some changes it is
not fair in my eyes the amount of money you pay year after year for basically the same game with some new small features…
Look I am not buying this greedy actions , in fact they could avoid all this buy patching the base game with new years version features and develop a new totally concept including better match day visualization and player animations and Graphics and than I would gladly pay for that , not for the same game with what 200 Mbs of interface changes ??? No Thank you … You can achieve that with Mods for example…But this is my opinion !