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This is a thread to discuss club finances. Here you will find a list of updated countries and leagues and you can help by reporting any issues in game with the way finances are set up (i.e. club is losing too much, gaining too much etc) during your play throughs.
Please be aware that finances will NOT be updated immediately after the window closes, a great deal of work goes into getting them right and setting up changes to debts, sponsors, player repayments etc. I am also away one the weekend it ends, please be patient and refer to this thread for updates on what has been updated!
Not finances per se, however it could well have an impact. Just wondering if there's a way to edit, or add in the future, the future sell-on fees etc of some of the summer transfers? It was noticable how, for example, Man Utd put % sell-on fees and buy-back/matching rights as Real Madrid have been doing for many years. However, I loaded the game to see & only Greenwood and maybe one or two others have been implemented. Is there a way to go back and add a sell-on fee/matching rights etc to Hannibal to Burnley for example? TIA
Further additional clauses will be added along with updated budgets, sponsors etc, thats why it'll take a bit of time and come out gradually because I do quite a lot of work on money side to get it balanced, but they will be added too.
Work on finances is picking up pace now, hopefully I'll be rolling these out at the end of this week. Thanks for the patience and I hope this will help fill the gap up to the delay for FM25!
First file including changes to Premier League now uploaded (along with a Transfer Clauses file which provides huge in-depth financial additions) and will be available to play from the next upload!
Further leagues and countries will be added naturally.
Can I ask why the club finances in the data uptade were deleted? crashing with Daveincid's CLUB FINANCES FIX 24_25 season right ?
I have asked this before elsewhere, is there any reason why Man Utd have such a high bank balance in the 24/25 update? Is it due to the INEOS investment? I'm potentially looking to start a new save with them but the balance is way higher than what they have in the default 24.3 database.
Why Ipswich Town don't have a huge transfer budget as you wrote on forum? Which clubs have higher transfer budget in this update?
When starting a save with Everton FC and new chairman Dan Friedkin, the club's objectives are to win the Serie A title etc. (needs amending for PL objectives).
Also, the club still has all the debt and no new stadium anymore using this data update.
Please could this be fixed ASAP as I have just paid for this service hoping to start a new save.
Hi, is it possible to rejig the finances for Birmingham City FC (609) so that this deal is included:
Also could you change the average attendances so that it is more accurate to recent seasons: