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I've got an issue with a small team logo which doesn't appear across a range of screens, such as the league table.
I've checked the Config file etc., and all appears ok.
By way of background, the normal size logo of the same team appears the way it should.
I've tried a few different skins and it always appears to be the same logo for the one team which is not correct.
Appreciate any advice.
Have you downloaded the licence fix from this sight? Manchester United and a few other bits and pieces (including Germany and Japan) have issues with licensing so that might be the cause of this if it's not installed. Do other logos and imagery display for the same team?
Thank you, and yup had already downloaded the Licence fix.
Where the small logo should appear - no other logo or imagery appears. However, the normal size logo of the Man Utd logo appears correctly, such as the club/home page.
Not sure again why the normal size logo works, but the small doesn't appear.
Thank you
Check the extension of the file for Manchester United's logo. Also ensure the config entry is correct. Judging that the others are showing that makes me think that either the Man United file is not written in the config, the file itself is missing or the file is there but is in the wrong format (e.g. .jpg instead of .png)
Nicolas Yurchuk
It's just that the authors of the logo packs for some reason believe that it is possible to violate the property rights of all clubs except Manchester United. Add the logo yourself. 😀
Thank you.
I checked to ensure all the above was accurate (and it is), and unfortunately still doesn't appear.
Thanks for your help.
Bielsa is a legend
It has nothing to do with license fix
the logos are independent graphics
the metallic logos on this site have the missing man ure logo you need