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Danny Nicol
i have downloaded the update for fm24 for the new transfers etc extracted the file copied into the editor data but when i
start FM24 the files dont show on the drop down? ive followed it step by step just wont have it
kauan vitor pereira da silva
olá, como faço para deixar o meu elenco atualizado ? todos os saves que eu inicio o Estevão do palmeiras está sempre no time B. não chega a jogar pelo titular assim como outros. A face do Estevão, Lamine Yamal não aparecem de jeito nenhum mesmo atualizando sempre as faces.
Have you put the individual .fmf files into the editor data folder? Or have you put just the extracted folder into the editor data folder.
The path to the file should look something like this:
C:\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\editor data\Classic FM - Changes.fmf
Obviously this will change depending on your individual setup, but this is one of the more common problems. Otherwise, screenshot your editor data folder. Also make sure you haven't accidentally deleted or overwritten the config file that was in the ‘editor data' folder.