5 months ago
1 week ago

hi like 4 months ago I downloaded the trasnfer update to my Mac and followed the installation steps and it worked. I used that update for a long time. yesterday I reset my Mac and dowloaded fm24 but when I tried to install the data update and put it into my game it didn't worked. I followed all the steps and still couldn't made it. when I looked into some YouTube videos of people explaining the steps I looked at the comment and saw lots of people having issues with the downloading and adding it to the game. I installed all the other things like the skins pack face pack logo pack but I'm having issues with this can you please help me. the comments were specially MacBook related all the files that I installed are not zip files.

18 years ago
11 minutes ago

@whysoserious2000  Have you read the troubleshooting guide and in particular the common mistakes section?


Otherwise can you please post screenshots, it's impossible to tell you what you did wrong if you don't provide examples of what you have done.

Ben Matheson
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago


I have just downloaded the transfer update to my mac but am struggling to get it setup. I've never downloaded an update before.

When I go to copy the files to the suggested pathway in the instructions, all my folders are empty. For example, I click on Users and its empty so I can't actually find the pathway to FM24 on my mac. The only folder that isn't empty is System and FM24 isn't in there.


Any help getting this setup would be much appreciated.



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