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Hi all,
I am playing with Galatasaray in FM24. On my second season now. I was looking for players who has second nationality of Turkish to avoid foreign player limit.
By using in game editor, I have added 2nd nationality to few players. For 2 it worked while for another 2 players it won't work. Registration still shows them as foreign players. I am not sure if this is a bug or something wrong with the savegame.
If somebody with a similar experience can help me, that would be really appreciated.
Well, when you interfere the game in an unnaturally way (or cheat…?), you're supposed to accept the possibility of messing up the game. In theory, yes, changing a value may work, but maybe the system requires a "process" to check and update the status, and obviously, you've skipped this via the editor.
Can't blame the system for not knowing what happens, as the programmers never expect to handle cases like this... so please don't call it a bug.
FM is about tackling problems and facing challenges. I encourage you to try and adapt without bending the rule, which is more fun and satisfying.
Anyway, enough preaching here... Relax, I do have a suggestion:
Instead of only thinking about yourself and your team, having an edge over everyone else (well, in your case, other teams follow the foreigner limit rule, except your team!), how about looking at it as a whole?
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=EQ7DsafYqj0
https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=C6rjIQCXb5E
Don't know if it works the way you want. But, in this case, at least, you've a fair competition to play... every team is following the same rule. You don't have advantage over anyone else, which should make the game more competitive and exciting.
Besides, you don't need to mess up the players' profiles... (don't expect that you'll revert any nationality changes, once the players leave your team). As the above change(s) only impact within your league, it avoids being too "intrusive" to other parts of the game.
Yes, it may mean starting a new game... sorry, but it should not run into as many issues as your way.
Appreciate your answer! I am not really worried about the fair game or having some advantage of it as this is my own game in my own world. 🙂
However your suggestions are all using pre-game editor, which in my case not useful. I am looking for a way to keep my ongoing save, otherwise playing with rules is rather easy with pre-game editor.