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In this series I'm going to show you how to play FM23 as the Director of Football, and our Nine Rules of Moneyball will underpin every decision we make. We're doing things the hard way: * No match tactics * No team selection * No training * No team talks All of that will be left to my staff, because I am concentrating on my Director of Football duties - scouting, recruitment, data analysis, unearthing bargains and embedding a club DNA. And to make things even more interesting we’re applying the Nine Rules of Moneyball to help us punch above our weight at every club we take control of: 1. Promote youth ahead of transfers 2. Only buy players aged 20-25, with decent data sample size 3. Shop outside the usual markets - transfer listed and out of contract players, low reputation leagues 4. Improve defence before attack 5. Always improve the weakest area of the team first 6. Don't buy strikers unless absolutely necessary 7. Sell players at their peak age 8. Always be scouting for replacements 9. Sell any player if a club offers more than they are worth Does putting total faith in our assistant manager actually work? How far can you take a team in Football Manager by completely ignoring match tactics, training and team selection? Let's find out...
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