Welcome to FMTV! FMTV is a new project aimed at helping people discover FM Content on YouTube. If you're a fan of FM use the links to find content organised in handy categories. If you're a creator you can add your videos to get access to an admin panel allowing you to categorise each video. Creators will need to login and categorise each video after it's uploaded. We're also looking for moderators to volunteer and help organise the app.
Arsene Wenger, sent back through time via the Metaman Animation Suite, looks to right the wrongs of the past during his time at Arsenal FC. His only companion on this journey is Bob Metaman who appears in the form of a hologram that only Arsene can see and hear. Will Arsene be able to guide his team to dominance in the Premier League and find success in Europe? Will he be able to sign future stars like Wayne Rooney and Jack Rodwell? Lets find out as we take a peek through the keyhole of the door of the Metaverse at the trials and tribulations of Arsene Wenger, Arsenal Manager! Special thanks to The Mad Scientists for creating the 1998/1999 database https://themadscientistfm.wixsite.com... and Andres Stromberg https://github.com/Stromberg90/footba....
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