FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 19 Apr 2024
  • 8,118 Changes
  • 127 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Adam Kwiecień
Alfie McCalmont
Alice Piatak
Anton Dudik
Aran Fitzpatrick
Ben Barclay
Billy Barr
Bobby Skinner
Callum Guy
Chris Blake
Chris Brunskill
Chris BrunskillChris Brunskill now has a contract until 30th June 2024.
Chris BrunskillChris Brunskill will leave at the end of his contract.
Corey Whelan
Dan Hopper
Danny Butterworth
Dave Timmins
Dylan McGeouch
Fin Back
Freddie O'Donoghue
Gabriel Breeze
Gavin Skelton
Geoff Haugh
Georgie Kelly
Glenn Boden
Greg Abbott
Harrison Neal
Harry Lewis
Helen Mathie
Jack Armer
Jack Diamond
Jack Ellis
Jack Robinson
Jacob Blain
Jake Allan
Jake Simpson
James Counsell
James CounsellJames Counsell has been transferred to CarlisleCarlisle.
James CounsellJames Counsell now has a role as Physio First Team.
James CounsellJames Counsell now has a contract starting on 11th April 2024.
James Murray
James Pringle
James Walsh
Jayden Harris
Jenna Piatak
John Nixon
Jökull Andrésson
Jon Mellish
Jordan Gibson
Josh Emmanuel
Josh O'Brien
Josh Vela
Joshua Kayode
Luke Armstrong
Mark Birch
Mason Fleming
Matthew Spooner
Nick DeMasi
Nigel Clibbens
Nigel Davidson
Patty Piatak
Paul Huntington
Paul Lemon
Paul Simpson
Robbie Swinburn
Roman Caig
Sam Hetherington
Sam Lavelle
Seán Grehan
Sean Maguire
Steven Rudd
Steven RuddSteven Rudd has been transferred to CarlisleCarlisle.
Steven RuddSteven Rudd now has a role as Head of Youth Development.
Steven RuddSteven Rudd now has a contract until 30th June 2025 starting on 26th March 2024.
Suzanne Kidd
Taylor Charters
Terry Ablade
Thomas Randall
Tom Piatak
Tom Piatak II
Tomáš Holý
Trent Chapman
Will Maddison
Will Nicholson