Welcome to FMTV! FMTV is a new project aimed at helping people discover FM Content on YouTube. If you're a fan of FM use the links to find content organised in handy categories. If you're a creator you can add your videos to get access to an admin panel allowing you to categorise each video. Creators will need to login and categorise each video after it's uploaded. We're also looking for moderators to volunteer and help organise the app.

BusttheNet Gaming

Hi there, my name is Daljit, apart from being a content creator, I am also a moderator on the SI forums helping people out with the training and tactics side of the game.

On this channel you will find guides for Football Manager that cover: Training, Tips and Tricks, Tactics. You will also find me releasing written guides for the game each year for every new game that is released. I also release views, schedules, shortlists.

The best place to start if you are new to the game is the 101 of Mastering Football Manager, which covers guides that are done in conjunction with the creators of the game Sports Interactive. Other saves include - Gamechanger - a series of shows that cover FM20, FM21 where I take a look at your saves and offer suggestions.

This year I livestream on Mondays, Weds and Fridays (1830hrs Singapore) covering Road to Glory challenges with Forest, Kasimpasa, Sporting Portugal and Dundee United. I also upload two guide videos each week.


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