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Evidence Based Football Manager

FM24 Matchday Mechanics 6 - Tactical Familiarity & Important Matches Further Tests
2 months ago
FM24 Matchday Mechanics 5 - 5 Parameters Tested
4 months ago
FM24 Rest vs Recovery vs Holiday
5 months ago
FM24 Matchday Mechanics 4 - Match Sharpness
6 months ago
FM24 Matchday Mechanics 3 - Fatigue
6 months ago
FM24 Matchday Mechanics 2 - Overall Physical Condition
7 months ago
FM24 Matchday Mechanics 1 - Homeground Advantage
8 months ago
FM23 Mentoring Analysis
9 months ago
FM23 Youth Intake Analysis 6 (FINAL) - Club Geography + Full Summary
10 months ago
FM23 Youth Intake Analysis 5 - Affiliate Club Newgens
11 months ago
FM23 Youth Intake Analysis 4 - The Draft Hypothesis
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FM23 Youth Intake Analysis 3 - Youth Preview
1 year ago
FM23 Youth Intake Analysis 2 - Youth Announcement
1 year ago
FM23 Youth Intake Analysis 1 + statement
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 11 - Misc. Experiments & FAQs
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 10 - IT'S HERE! Evidence Based Training Schedule v23
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 9 - Recovery
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 8 - Training Session Combinations
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 7 - Training Sessions
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 6 - Attribute Growth
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 5 - Additional Focus
1 year ago
Relationship between Attributes and CA in Football Manager
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 4 - Reserve Team & Youth Team
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 3 - 10 factors tested
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 2 - Match appearance, Friendlies, Substitutions, Team Performance
1 year ago
FM23 Training Analysis 1 - Basic pattern of player growth
1 year ago
View on YouTube
2 months ago 00:24:44

FM24 Matchday Mechanics 6 - Tactical Familiarity & Important Matches Further Tests

Thumbnail made by Lucas. Check out Lucas's Behance page:

Link for Excel file on Dropbox:

Link for the savefile used in the video (Tactical Familiarity test using Test Cup, TF=1%)

Link for the savefile used in the video (Tactical Familiarity test using Community Shield, TF=1%)

Link for the savefile used in the video (Important Matches test using EPL match, no rivalry)

Link for the savefile used in the video (Important Matches test using UCL Final, no rivalry)

Link for the savefile used in the video (Important Matches test using UCL Quarterfinal, no rivalry)

Link for the savefile used in the video (Important Matches test using UCL Semifinal, no rivalry)

Link for the savefile used in the video (Important Matches test using FA Cup Final, no rivalry)

Link for the savefile used in the video (Important Matches test using Carabao Cup Final, no rivalry)

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