Welcome to FMTV! FMTV is a new project aimed at helping people discover FM Content on YouTube. If you're a fan of FM use the links to find content organised in handy categories. If you're a creator you can add your videos to get access to an admin panel allowing you to categorise each video. Creators will need to login and categorise each video after it's uploaded. We're also looking for moderators to volunteer and help organise the app.


Focusing On Automatic Promotion As The Target | Ep 67 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 day ago
Is The Takeover Complete? Are We Out Of A Job? | Ep 6 | Going Dutch | Waalwijk |#FM24
2 days ago
Will We Keep Our Good Form Going? | Ep 66 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
4 days ago
Are We Still Employed? | Ep 5 | Going Dutch | Waalwijk |#FM24
5 days ago
Time To Switch Up The Tactic? | Ep 65 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 week ago
On The Chopping Block: Takeover Threatens Job! | Ep 4 | Going Dutch | Waalwijk |#FM24
1 week ago
Riding The Rollercoaster Of Form in The Football League | Ep 64 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 week ago
Can We Meet The Challenge As We Face Two Tough Tests? | Ep 03 | Going Dutch | Waalwijk |#FM24
1 week ago
Let's Kick Off Our Football League Campaign! | Ep 63 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 weeks ago
Depleted Squad Kicks Off The Season | Ep 2 | Going Dutch | Waalwijk |#FM24
2 weeks ago
2026-27 Season Review And Promotion Transfer Special | Ep 62 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 weeks ago
Meet Our Team For An Exciting Dutch Adventure! | Ep 1 | Going Dutch | ????? |#FM24
2 weeks ago
Last Two Matches In The National League | Ep 61 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
3 weeks ago
Final Episode: Season Review & Series Wrap Up | Ep 79 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
3 weeks ago
Only One Victory Stands Between Us And Glory! | Ep 60 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
3 weeks ago
The Ultimate Finale: Last Game Of The Series | Ep 78 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
3 weeks ago
Can You Taste Automatic Promotion? It's Within Reach! | Ep 59 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
4 weeks ago
The Day Of The FA Cup Final & Chance To Seal The Triple | Ep 77 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
Can We Keep Our Grip On The Top Spot? | Ep 58 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
Attempting To Set New Records! | Ep 76 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
The Race To The Top: To Secure Automatic Promotion | Ep 57 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 month ago
We Only Need One Point To Guarantee The Title! | Ep 75 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
Will We Go Farther Than Ever Before In The FA Trophy? | Ep 56 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 month ago
Almost There: Our Second Final Of The Season Is Within Reach! | Ep 74 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham
1 month ago
Trying To Take a Grip At The Top Of The Table | Ep 55 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 month ago
Chasing Glory: Can We Seize The Premier League Title? | Ep 73 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
Is Our Self-destruction Imminent? | Ep 54 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 month ago
Closer To Quadruple Success? | Ep 72 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
League Games: The Key To Getting Back On Track! | Ep 53 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 month ago
Facing Off Against Tough Opponents In The FA Cup! | Ep 71 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
Episode 71 Update | Ep 71 Preview | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
Struggling To Conquer The FA Cup Challenge | Ep 52 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 month ago
FA Cup Quarter Final Opponent Revealed! | Ep 70 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
One Step Closer To The Title? | Ep 69 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
1 month ago
Chasing The Top Spot And Breaking Away | Ep 50 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
1 month ago
Chasing Silverware: The Quest For Glory Continues | Ep 68 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
2 months ago
Facing League 2 Opponents In The FA Cup! | Ep 49 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#fm24
2 months ago
Battling Local Rivals In Carabao Cup Final! | Ep 67 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
2 months ago
Closing The Gap: Can We Take Over The Top Spot? | Ep 48 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 months ago
Can We Dominate The League & Climb Clear At The Top! | Ep 66 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
2 months ago
Staying Strong: League And Cup Challenges Ahead! | Ep 47 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 months ago
Striving For Silverware: Cup Progression Is Key! | Ep 65 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
2 months ago
Are We Turning A Corner Or Just Seeing A False Dawn? | Ep 46 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 months ago
Going For The Hat-trick: Can We Defeat Man City Again? | Ep 64 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
2 months ago
Our Goal Isn't To Draw, It's To Win! | Ep 45 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 months ago
Just One Step Away: The Season's First Final! | Ep 63 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
2 months ago
How To Add A 3rd Kit In FM24 | Kit Basher | Fixed | #FM24
2 months ago
Can We Kick Off The New Season Right? | Ep 44 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 months ago
Double Trouble? - Juggling Domestic Cup Competitions | Ep 62 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24
2 months ago
2025-26 Season Review And Transfer Special | Ep 43 | Bottom 2 The Top | Weymouth |#FM24
2 months ago
View on YouTube
1 month ago 00:31:03

Attempting To Set New Records! | Ep 76 | Irons In The Fire | West Ham #FM24

Episode 76 of our Early Access Save in FM24, Irons In The Fire, as we try and make The Hammers into a Great and Good Team both domestically and in Europe. Join me for a Football Manager Journey with West Ham. Today we have just one game having secured the Premier League Title, it's all about breaking records as we face Southampton.
00:00 Intro
08:32 Southampton (Premier League MD 36)
10:19 First Half
16:05 Second Half

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