3D Kits

3D Kits are special kits designed to make the match engine look even better, with the players wearing customised and improved kits on the pitch.
  • 880 Downloadable Packs
3D Kits
1. Extract folder to Documents/Sport Interactive/Football Manager 2013 or 2014/graphics/kits/put in here!

( If there is no graphics folder there, create "graphics" )

2. FM13 - click 'Preferences'...click 'Interface'....click unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times and click tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences'.....click 'Reload Skin'.

2a. FM14 - click 'Load Game'....click 'FM'...click 'Preferences'...click 'Interface'....click 'Clear Cache'...click tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' (if you first time)....click 'Reload Skin'

16 years ago
10 hours ago
Hello third kit RC Lens is wrong, is not white, it is blue: http://www.rclens.fr/infos_2014/10/04_photos_rennes/index.php#ancreContenu

can some one fix it please
11 years ago
3 months ago
These should take care of the discrepancies in this pack:

Guingamp 3rd:


RC Lens 3rd:


Lille 3rd:


I think I have fixed the config too so find attached the modified pack I am using:

extract to My Docs < Sports Interactive < Football Manager 2015 < graphics < kits < 3d < france
14 years ago
4 months ago
Great kits mate. Will get back to you on WIP for what we messaged about. Trying to find them, think they must be on my external
11 years ago
3 months ago
Great kits mate. Will get back to you on WIP for what we messaged about. Trying to find them, think they must be on my external

i only did the 3 additions above mate, the rest of the work belongs to Chris.

no problem mate; my thinking was that if two or more of us share the responsibility to create 3D kits for say a list of teams in a league, then league packs will get done quicker and the burden will be less for all of us.

PM a few clubs in the Vanarama Conference, North and South and I will do them and PM them to you. If you do the same at your end and a few others get a few names then the packs for the Vanarama will be done quicker. If you are keen to do that, just tell hammer9 in the WIP thread that is what the plan is so everyone knows.

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