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Anyway, as I said, the list is 116 players grouped into positions and you can sort them by age, value etc. Hopefully this will be a great resource for anyone looking to build a team for the future.
The list can be found here: Football Manager 2013 Wonderkids
Hopefully this link can stay as the page allows people to filter, sort by variables etc.
Let me know if you feel there are others who should be included, I will happily add them to the list! Hopefully this helps a few people who out who like this sort of stuff
EDIT: This also comes with a downloadable shortlist that you can import into your game
Does anybody have access to an official list of young players with -9 / -10 PA this year, or high fixed PA?
Or do we have to wait until the full game comes out with the editor?
List now contains over 200 of the best youngsters on the game.
Football Manager 2013 wonderkids
The list of talents contains a lot of young stars starting from well-known Varane, Verratti, Alaba, ter Stegen, Romulo, Hazard, Shaqiri and ending with cheap prospective guys like Dongou, Stanciu, Marquinhos, Otavio, Hoffman, Vico, Ninkovic, Labyad, Hartherz, Schnitzler...
Cheik It Out
Vitaliy, is that you? Used to be part of FMCrowd, left for here! Ha! Sorry
I am just sharing my great wonderkid list
I'm still at FM Crowd of course.
Cheik It Out
I used to really love reading your blogs, but I am just getting bored because of the clubs you chose. I really hate QPR and Nottingham Forest! Sorry! I loved you Boston and Leeds ones. I just didn't like those two because they are ready made clubs for success as they have rich owners and lots of money to spend!