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Nick Kotsonis
Hello guys,
I am trying to change the Greek Superleague to its new format through the editor, but I always seem to encounter some kind of error, the latest of them being the “did not find ranking level information for level 14”. I am so frustrated and I gave up trying to do it myself because I always seem to mess something up.
I am attaching the file in case anyone wants to help.
NOTE: the file is not entirely mine, as I am trying to tweak MasterIgor's file because it adds the 3rd division as well and reflects the real changes in the 2nd & 3rd divisions for year 2024 and after.
The new format is as follows:
Positions 1-4 are fighting for the championship in home and away games, heading to the playoffs with all the points from the regular season.
Positions 5-8 are fighting for the last ticket of the Conference League in home and away games, but the tolal of their points from the regular season gets divided by 2, so they actually start with half their points.
Finally positions 9-14 battle for relegation in home and away games, heading to the playoffs with all the points from the regular season and 2 teams get relegated to the 2nd division.
Any help would be really aprreciated.