vikingnew - Comments

#551035 352 Montella's Revenge
3 years ago
3 years ago
opposition teams can exploit wings weakness there is no amr/amls
#551034 Scout recommendation ratings
3 years ago
3 years ago
Current ability
Current Ability is the level a player is at the moment you are looking at his profile. This number is almost always preset by the researchers at Sports Interactive.

However, there are many players – mostly lesser known players – who don’t have a preset CA. This means it will be random on each new save you start.

The Current Ability value is a dynamic value, as it can either improve or decline depending on a players development and/or age (older players abilities usually tend to decline).

Potential ability
The Potential Ability of a player will determine the maximum possible level a player can reach during their career. This is a preset number and can never change during the game.

IMPORTANT: The PA of a player shows how good he CAN be, not necessarily how good they WILL be.

A player will only reach his maximum potential under the right circumstances. It will depend on:

Mental attributes
Hidden attributes
Playing time