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#543691 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Andrew Torrance
Thanks for getting back to me.
I thought that also, but the default ads (right after a fresh install) work in live matches. Also certain video ads during copa del rey work. My knowledge and understanding of these files are very limited but it just seems strange.
If there is nothing that can be done don't worry. It might just be one of these things.
#542587 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Andrew Torrance
I was hoping someone can help me. I play fm19. The mod (fm19 version) works for the most part for me. The only issue is during the game the video ads show in 3D but not 2D classic. They do however work if i was to watch a highlights of an older match or indeed the match that i have just watched/managed in, in 2d with black video ads. After i leave the match i can watch the highlights in 2d classic and all of a sudden they are there working fine.
Bizarrely using 2d classic during the match it picks up one ad while managing in copa del rey (spanish cup). It is the coca cola ad only. That plays and animates perfectly. But only for this competition (although obviously i haven't tested every other one out there)
Can anyone help?
#536980 FM19 Adboard Patch - EPL Update Part 2 Out Now!
Andrew Torrance
I was hoping someone can help me. The mod works for the most part for me. The only issue is the video ads show in 3D but not 2D classic. They do however work if i was to watch a highlights of an older match or indeed the match that i have just watched/managed in, in 2d with black video ads. After i leave the match i can watch the highlights in 2d classic and all of a sudden they are there working fine. Static ads work perfectly its just the video ones.
Can anyone help?