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#687278 FM21 data update
Daryl Jenkins
Hi, is it possible to download the FM22 data update and extract to FM21 game?
Or is there an FM21 data update (that is current) that is available?
#670782 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2021/22 Relink! (27/02/22)
Daryl Jenkins
Will this download work on FM21?
#670770 FM 22 date update
Daryl Jenkins
Can I download the FM 22 data update to FM21 to reflect latest leagues etc?
#485737 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Daryl Jenkins
#302054 England - Premier League 3D'2015/16 Relink! (18/02/16)
Daryl Jenkins
I have the the up to date kits showing on the homepage if that helps. Quick question too... Once I placed the up to date kit file in the graphics folder can I then delete the old file I had downloaded previously?
#210328 England - Premier League Standard'2014/15 Relink! (07/11/14)
Daryl Jenkins