LagachetteALEX - Comments

#621346 Real Fixtures and Results[For top 5 leagues and more]
9 years ago
2 months ago
By azmundo 23 February 2021 - 23:12 PM UTC 

Real fixtures and results as of 22/2/21

England - Prem - National League

Scotland - Prem - League 2

France - Ligue 1 + Ligue 2

Italy -  Seire A + B

Germany Bundesliga 1 + 2

Spain - La Liga 1 +2

Portugal - Liga Nos + Segunda


If you want to start the game from the 22/2/21 I recommend either loading China and choosing the relevant start date or download a custom start date file which can be found in this forum.


Thanks for your work ! I noticed a mistake : you made a confusion between Lyon (Olympique Lyonnais) and Marseille (Olympique de Marseille) in the french league. 

#378621 Custom Start Date and Real Fixtures - 'Something Went Wrong'
9 years ago
2 months ago
I also get the 'Something went wrong' message and it doesn't work.