Simply extract the contents into your skins folder, change the skin in game, and then reload FM (you'll only need to do this if the skin you were using has a coloured in sidebar)

New in v1.1! (oooooh!)

The small sidebar version!

It slices, it dices, it peels, it shreads it.. does none of that.

There's a new folder in the 7z file, for those of you that want a small sidebar all the time. But, and this is important, you must have both (that's, BOTH!) skin folders for the small sidebar to work. If you ask why it's not working, and I find out you've only copied the small sidebar version over, I reserve the right to be witheringly sarcastic at you. It's the only way you'll learn.

I've also fixed a couple of bugs, and tweaked the player profile page so you can show player preferred moves, and both the history and biography panels on the rightmost column.

Oh, and I've also added an instant result button. You will have to activate it yourself, mind. Simply follow these steps:

1. Edit steklo_x5/panels/titlebar.xml
2. Go to the bottom of the file, where you'll find the instant match result widget
3. Change the hidn property from true to false.
4. Save, then reload the skin.
18 years ago
1 month ago

If I put the small panels folder into there it overrides and it doesn't work. How such the folder look?
18 years ago
1 month ago

Both folders go directly into the skins folder. The small sidebar version inherits from the standard one, it just has a couple of changed files.
18 years ago
1 month ago

Both folders go directly into the skins folder. The small sidebar version inherits from the standard one, it just has a couple of changed files.

Tidy thanks Tom!.
12 years ago
6 months ago
just download the skin and why can't I see the Career Stats panel in the player?

EDIT: nope nevermind found it
12 years ago
9 years ago

How i can delete logo in the left side (down)?
15 years ago
5 months ago
Wonderful work as always, sir!

Can I ask one question if it's not answered before please? How to add the Height and Preferred foot attribute to the player profile's player basic info panel? As I used to check player's height as well, it's would be really helpful not have to jump to other tab to see it.
16 years ago
3 weeks ago
how do you change the font size in this skin? normally it's going into the settings.xml and changing the fonts size there but it doesn't seem to be that way for FM15
18 years ago
1 month ago
Have you tried changing the zoom level?
16 years ago
3 weeks ago
I wish SI would give zoom levels of between 100 and 125% as one is too zoomed out and the other is too zoomed in. 110 or 115% would probably be fine

seems a bit strange that they took out the settings.xml way to do it, thanks for the response though
14 years ago
1 week ago
Perhaps a stupid question but what is this "instant result button"? Can you explain? :-)
16 years ago
3 years ago
Cheers Tom, looks great!

For some reason the skin doesn't appear in the game when I go into preferences. I'm on version 15.2.1 - only just downloaded the game from steam today. Any help on getting it to load?
Ice Man
18 years ago
4 days ago
Hi Tom, Brilliant skin so thank you.

I was just wandering if it is possible to get the club logos into the titlebar next to their respective names and instead of the team logo's showing get the team kits in their place. In case that makes no sense then I have added a screenie to show what I mean!!

Thanks a lot
18 years ago
2 days ago
This is first class work as usual Tom.
13 years ago
1 year ago
Amazing skin as always.

One question, how can I choose which background picture is the default one? I went into this folder:

and renamed the image that I want as default, but it still doesn't show up as the default background when I load up the game. I've also tried deleting all the other backgrounds, as well as renaming the image I want as simply "1" but none of those helped either, I still got this as the default background whenever I load up the game/reload the skin:

11 years ago
3 years ago
is your Skin Version 1.1 compatible with newest Gameversion 15.3 ?
14 years ago
3 years ago
yes but i see problem whit same features in not optimizated
11 years ago
3 years ago
and what is, for this moment, the best skin for 15.3 ?
now i test scorpian 1.9 (for me to white - i need darker skin)
because i use stadium backgrounds, you know
Burak Salvation
12 years ago
2 years ago
Nice theme but there is some errors.When will be new uptade Tom ?
17 years ago
1 day ago
Nice theme but there is some errors.When will be new uptade Tom ?

If you mention and screenshot the problems im sure he may look into it or others may find a way around the problems
18 years ago
1 month ago
I've not been playing FM at all recently, so I'm not sure what the issues with the latest patch are. If you know of one, pop a description and ideally a screenshot up here, and I'll try and fix it.
12 years ago
1 month ago
Wonderful work as always, sir!

Can I ask one question if it's not answered before please? How to add the Height and Preferred foot attribute to the player profile's player basic info panel? As I used to check player's height as well, it's would be really helpful not have to jump to other tab to see it.

I'd like these changes implemented as well, if possible. Also, is there any chance that the player pic could be reduced back to the normal size? Or is there a way we can edit that ourselves?

Otherwise, fantastic work and your time and effort is much appreciated!
12 years ago
6 months ago
QUESTION; Can this cool skin work on FM Classic mode ? And if it's not the case do any of you know at least one skin which is compatible with classic mode?
10 years ago
4 years ago
hello, i love the skin is the best i've used so far but is there anyway to add Height and Weight to the players profiles?
15 years ago
4 months ago
I can't figure out why in the game I can't see the steklo X5 folder so I can't select it and in 2014 version I used the X4 skin and it worked without a problem.
Now in FM 15 i only see the default skin...
14 years ago
3 years ago
I can't figure out why in the game I can't see the steklo X5 folder so I can't select it and in 2014 version I used the X4 skin and it worked without a problem.
Now in FM 15 i only see the default skin...

You have two options. One is to update to the latest patch 15.3.2, as you obviously haven't done this yet. Two is to buy the game as the usual reason for not updating patches is that the copy of the game you have is pirate.
15 years ago
4 months ago
Does anybody use stadium backgrounds with the Steklo skin?
If yes, which pack and how do you get it to work?


EDIT: Got it to work, never mind...
12 years ago
7 months ago
I've been changing same things, but now the date is missing, what file i overwrite?
13 years ago
1 year ago
hello, i love the skin is the best i've used so far but is there anyway to add Height and Weight to the players profiles?

hah this is the same info i came here looking for, i love the skin but can't do without the height/weight info in player profiles, is there a way to add it?
13 years ago
1 year ago
does anybody know how to get the personal details box like in this screenshot? Is that something customized or only shows up at higher resolution or what?
18 years ago
1 month ago
does anybody know how to get the personal details box like in this screenshot? Is that something customized or only shows up at higher resolution or what?

That's definitely been customised. I'd ask whoever posted the screenshot.

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