This page refers to an older game FM15. View Sporting Clube Farense in all games.

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Sporting Clube Farense are a team in Football Manager 2015. Farense play in the Portuguese Second League in Portugal in FM 15. Sporting Clube Farense are a playable team in FM2015.

Sporting Clube Farense
Portuguese Second League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Sporting Clube Farense Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Sporting Clube Farense will be Poor

Sporting Clube Farense Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Sporting Clube Farense in Football Manager 2015?

This is a guide to managing Sporting Clube Farense in FM15. If you want to play Football Manager 2015 with an updated Sporting Clube Farense squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM15 Update which updates the Football Manager 2015 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2015 Data Update you can download.

Sporting Clube Farense Players in FM15

All Sporting Clube Farense Players in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Rui Duarte 35 AM C £590 £14k £7k 29-06-2015
Neca 34 AM C £670 £6k £3k 29-06-2015
Bruno Carvalho 28 AM RL £400 £20k £9k 29-06-2016
Hugo Luz 32 D L £440 £8k £3k 29-06-2015
Carlitos 32 D/WB/M R £520 £5k £2k 29-06-2015
Fábio Lopes 21 AM R £440 £15k £16k 29-06-2016
Márcio Madeira 28 AM LC £480 £48k £20k 29-06-2015
Gualter Bilro 28 DM £370 £41k £17k 29-06-2015
Diogo Silva 31 D C £520 £16k £7k 29-06-2015
Christian Irobiso 20 ST £390 £33k £14k 29-06-2016
Hernâni 32 WB L, AM RL £440 £4k £260 29-06-2015
Lameirão 33 D C £150 £3k £1k 29-06-2015
Fábio Gomes 25 ST £370 £47k £3k 29-06-2015
Harramiz 23 AM R, ST £370 £22k £25k 29-06-2016
Kiki Ballack 24 D C £300 £21k £1k 29-06-2015
Abraham Adelaja 26 ST £370 £44k £19k 29-06-2015
Huang Wei 20 D C £380 £34k £2k 29-06-2015
Nikola Zugic 24 DM £220 £28k £2k 29-06-2016
Bruno Gonzalez 27 M RC £440 £32k £2k 29-06-2016
Ponck 19 DM £300 £11k £16k 29-06-2016
Edinho Júnior 20 AM/F C £400 £45k £53k 29-06-2016
Hugo Ventosa 25 D R £300 £22k £1k 29-06-2016
Ricardo Neves 25 GK £370 £18k £7k 29-06-2015
Califo 24 D/WB L £440 £28k £2k 29-06-2016
Tan Yang 25 ST £300 £30k £2k 29-06-2015
Vítor São Bento 21 GK £220 £14k £850 29-06-2015
Marcelo Correia 21 D R £220 £9k £6k 29-06-2015
Ernest Nyarko 18 AM RL £40 £20k £21k 29-06-2015
Miguel Carvalho 17 GK £250 £6k £10k 29-06-2015
Alan Khabalov 18 AM RC £80 £9k £13k 15-12-2016

Sporting Clube Farense Loaned Out Players in FM15

Players out on loan from Sporting Clube Farense in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Matthew Silva 22 AM C £370 £37k £2k 29-06-2016

Sporting Clube Farense Staff in FM15

Sporting Clube Farense Staff in Football Manager 2015

Sporting Clube Farense Peaked Players in FM15

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Rui Duarte 35 AM C £590 £14k £7k 29-06-2015
Bruno Carvalho 28 AM RL £400 £20k £9k 29-06-2016