FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 23 Apr 2024
  • 8,655 Changes
  • 133 Contributors
  • FM24.3

You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 15.3) which is no longer supported by our data update.

This page is here as a historical reference only.

View Latest Version (24.3)

9 years ago
20 hours ago
Updated my comment as you were writing your response.

I downloaded the rejected update and now it works so that he plays for Hammarby from january 2020 onwards, but shouldn't that be included in the live update?

The original SI database transfers overwrite any other transfers. You can remove the future transfer yourself with the FM20 Editor though.
16 years ago
3 days ago
Sadly not Have you tried it with the file I provided?

Updated my comment as you were writing your response.

I downloaded the rejected update and now it works so that he plays for Hammarby from january 2020 onwards, but shouldn't that be included in the live update?
9 years ago
20 hours ago
Can't that future transfer be cancelled/removed? he was at Hapoel for 25 days or something and then they mutually cancelled the contract and he signed for Hammarby instead.

When I start a save he starts at Hapoel if i start in January 2020(and I can see Hammarby as his last club, when it should be the other way around) but if I start summer 2019 he starts at Hammarby with a fixed move to Hapoel.

Sadly not Have you tried it with the file I provided?
16 years ago
3 days ago
@Mowleen The future transfer to Hapoel is already in the original SI database.

Can't that future transfer be cancelled/removed? he was at Hapoel for 25 days or something and then they mutually cancelled the contract and he signed for Hammarby instead.

When I start a save he starts at Hapoel if i start in January 2020(and I can see Hammarby as his last club, when it should be the other way around) but if I start summer 2019 he starts at Hammarby with a fixed move to Hapoel.

I downloaded the rejected update and now it works so that he plays for Hammarby from january 2020 onwards, but shouldn't that be included in the live update?
9 years ago
20 hours ago
The player still has a future transfer set for 1/1/2020 to Hapoel Beer Sheva in game that should be removed, He and Hapoel terminated the contract after just a few weeks and he was a free agent and then signed for Hammarby.

@Mowleen The future transfer to Hapoel is already in the original SI database. Try placing this file in the editor data folder together with the live update
16 years ago
3 days ago
The player still has a future transfer set for 1/1/2020 to Hapoel Beer Sheva in game that should be removed, He and Hapoel terminated the contract after just a few weeks and he was a free agent and then signed for Hammarby.
16 years ago
3 days ago
Still at Hapoel Beer Sheva when I try starting a new save.

Downloaded the new update twice and started a new save but still there.
PaulinhoPaulinho has been transferred to HäckenHäcken.
PaulinhoPaulinho now has a contract of £1k per week until 30th December 2017.
Submitted by bigpole 30 Jun 2015 12:58:58 (bigpole Submissions)