FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 23 Apr 2024
  • 8,655 Changes
  • 133 Contributors
  • FM24.3

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16 years ago
4 days ago
Maybe it sounds like a loan, but it isn't. His previous club, Podbrezová, terminated his contract, and Kuciak signed a contract with Slavia as a free player. And contract is only for half a year because he should be only temporary goalkeeper number three before young Martin Vantruba returns from loan in Podbrezová.

Skúsený 36-ročný gólman zamieril z Horehronia do Prahy už ako voľný hráč, keďže v Podbrezovej sa rozhodli ísť cestou postupného omladzovania hráčskeho kádra a Kuciakovi v období sviatkov oznámili, že si môže hľadať nový klub.

The experienced 36-year-old goalie has been heading out of Horehronia to Prague as a free player, as they decided to go through Podbrezová in a way to gradually rejuvenate the player and Kuciak announced during the holiday season that he could search for a new club.


5 years ago
1 month ago
Po zbytek sezony bude pak pozici číslo tři plnit Martin Kuciak, který přichází na půlroční působení a podepíše ve Slavii smlouvu do 30. 6. 2019,“ dodává.

This sentence sounds like a loan, doesnt't it?

Maybe it sounds like a loan, but it isn't. His previous club, Podbrezová, terminated his contract, and Kuciak signed a contract with Slavia as a free player. And contract is only for half a year because he should be only temporary goalkeeper number three before young Martin Vantruba returns from loan in Podbrezová.

Skúsený 36-ročný gólman zamieril z Horehronia do Prahy už ako voľný hráč, keďže v Podbrezovej sa rozhodli ísť cestou postupného omladzovania hráčskeho kádra a Kuciakovi v období sviatkov oznámili, že si môže hľadať nový klub.

The experienced 36-year-old goalie has been heading out of Horehronia to Prague as a free player, as they decided to go through Podbrezová in a way to gradually rejuvenate the player and Kuciak announced during the holiday season that he could search for a new club.


16 years ago
4 days ago
It's a permanent transfer, not a loan.

Po zbytek sezony bude pak pozici číslo tři plnit Martin Kuciak, který přichází na půlroční působení a podepíše ve Slavii smlouvu do 30. 6. 2019,“ dodává.

This sentence sounds like a loan, doesnt't it?
5 years ago
1 month ago
It's a permanent transfer, not a loan.
Martin KuciakMartin Kuciak has been transferred to PodbrezovaPodbrezova.
Martin KuciakMartin Kuciak now has a contract of £610 per week until 29th June 2016.
Submitted by bigpole 01 Jul 2015 22:30:54 (bigpole Submissions)