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If you have logos to make, two possibilities:
– If there are only a few logos, go to page requests: https://www.tcmlogos.com/requetes-request/
– If there is a lot of logos, sort them into folders by country, rename logos (Club name – ID.png (or jpg, gif, etc)) and make a .rar file of the set, and send all by mail: [email protected]
For all Request (update or add logo), go here : Request Page
Screenshot TCM17 English in FM17 (click to enlarge) :
Bonus : Adboards banners from our partners showing during games are included in this pack :
Greetings :
Developers :- Thomasom : Creating the Template, Development (TCM14/15).
- Kinmar : Enhancing the Template, Development, Hosting (TCM14/15/16/17).
- Sualg-Bilbao : Development (TCM14/15/16).
- Zecha : Development (TCM16).
Contributors :- MatheusMux, Renato and Borell from FManager Brasil (South America).
- Frimimout from FM.net (Tunisia, Morocco, Mali, Congo and Angola).
- ArturM (Poland).
- Paul_13 and Kostas_Panachaiki from FMGreece (Greece).
- Rein from FMScout (Netherlands).
- Sh@rk from FMEurope (England).
- Spartacus23 from Sortitoutsi (Peru).
- JesperBN from FMDanmark (Scotland).
- claytonpadula (Brasil) and AndreaLAZIOultras (Italy) from FM-View.
- Steinbolt from Managers United (Netherlands).
- Julian (Africa & others).
- Stathis (Greece).
Partner Website :- Passion4FM
- FMScout
- Sortitoutsi
- FootManager.net
- Manager-Online
- DazS8
- Myfootballmanager
- FMTurkiye
Warnings :
This creation (TCM17) is a property of the site TCMLogos.com and is in free use for personal use only. The only authorized download links are the official links available on the site to monitor the downloads statistics. If you wish to integrate our creation into a presentation, your own graphics, for any public use, thanks for asking us the permission.
TCMLogos.com is a non profit website and only wishes to help the Football Manager gamers community. However, some recognition isn’t much asking for a time wasting work. Therefore, thanks for respecting these few rules.
Additional Information :
https://www.tcmlogos.com/ (Website link)
[email protected] (Website email)
https:/www.facebook.com/tcmlogos (Facebook)
https:/twitter.com/tcmlogos (Twitter)
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tcm-fm (Steam)
For all Request (update or add logo), go here : Request Page
The logos of the Bosnian teams do not work
Floro Flores
ID 5000210
If you have logos to make, two possibilities:
– If there are only a few logos, go to page requests: http://www.logo-world.net/requetes-request/
– If there is a lot of logos, sort them into folders by country, rename logos (Club name – ID.png (or jpg, gif, etc)) and make a .rar file of the set, and send all by mail: [email protected]
Jonathan Scott
Sorry but I do not know MAC (I hate Apple ^^) and I had positive feedback on previous versions. So I have no solution to offer for this version 17, it will ask for help on the official forum of Sports Interactive.
only for me not work the logos of the Bosnian teams?
sorry for the evetually incorrect English
Small Update for Bosnian Clubs in Official Page (in Download button).
thanks a lot, very kind and fast ... great job!!!
There are also some Georgians club logos that not work ... probably SI has changed the ID of some clubs ...
"XML parsing error!: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 27 of config.xml
de Djibouti" to="graphics/pictures/club/0/logo"/>
"XML parsing error!: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 27 of config.xml
de Djibouti" to="graphics/pictures/icon/0/icon"/>
"XML parsing error!" not well-formed (invalid token) at line 125 of config.xml
error offset invalid - corrupted buffer?"
Managed to fix it myself. If anyone is having the same problem, what you need to do is;
1. Go to 'Megapack TCM17\graphics\Logos\Europe\Bosnie\Clubs' and in the config file go to line 125 and delete that line entirely. Do this in both the "normal" and "small" folders.
2. Go to "Megapack TCM17\graphics\Logos\Afrique\Djibouti\Clubs' and do the same but with lines 25,26 and 27. Again in both the "normal" and "small" folders.
No need to download everything, there is a link to correct (well present on the presentation page, not the download page), but here it is. : Small Update for Bosnian Clubs : Link
For Djibouti, it's the same mistake (beginner error) on my part, a problem of accent on a club name.
I will propose a link identical to Bosnia and will rehost the megapack for those who will download later.
Sorry for those little worries (and my response time due to an extended weekend).
Small Update (183 Ko)
Fixed Bosnia and Djibouti clubs.
Link in Download Page
Nigel Van Hoyweghen
After downloading and putting the file in 'graphics', clear the cache and reload the skin... nothing changed. No logos?
Anybody who also had this problem before and know how to fix it?
Not in Graphics folder, but in Football Manager 2017 Folder.
Nigel Van Hoyweghen
I did. FM 2017 => graphics. Doesn't work...
The only people who don't work are those who are on MAC (and there I have not yet found solutions).
If not, make me screenshots of your installation files.
EDIT: Just seen the request part, never mind.
The logo is already made and present in the logopack but without the ID. You can already find it in the corresponding folders and put the ID (and modify the file "config.xml"
The club Associação Chapecoense de Futebol has just unveiled its new logo following the tragedy that it knows.
The first star mentions the conquest of the Copa Sudamericana 2016. It is white and a sign of peace.
The second star to the letter F - referring to football - is subtle but percussive, to eternize those who devoted their lives to Chapecoense.
This logo will naturally be present in the Christmas update with an alternative version in addition (flat colors).
#VamosChape - #Forçachape
Kalle Tuominen
I hope my request makes at least some sense. The North and South American leagues can be a bit tricky.
Thanks a lot in advance!
There is no worry for your request, I will look at this to integrate them. I have already planned to update the logos of Copa Aguila, Liga Aguila and Torneo Aguila, which have recently changed their logo.
Contains (complete list in the file to download):
➡ 7 NEW AFRICAN COUNTRY (Central African Republic, Guinea, Guinea bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Madagascar, Senegal) [Thanks Julian]
➡ 4 NEW NORTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES (Belize, Dominican Republic, Suriname, Trinidad) [Thanks Frimimout]
➡ Addition of 885 logos.
➡ Update of 155 Logos (thanks to the requests received here: http://www.logo-world.net/requetes-request/).
All information and downloads on the official page:
➡ http://www.logo-world.net/tcm17-logos-fm17-en/