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Bielsa is a legend
thanks, i have never had an issue over the years, i will do some conflict checks
I deleted all editor data files and installed todays version while loading premier league only when doing that quick test.
Bielsa is a legend
cheers mate, i will do some tests tomrrow as working from home
im sure i will find the issue
@TheMinsterman I can't remember if you said Portugal was one of those impossible ones or not?
We should probably have a fixed message for people explaining what things aren't possible or not to avoid any confusion.
Portugal was that the subdivisions wasn’t confirmed yet to be 100% accurate iirc. Same for Italy, they’ll do the summer meeting to confirm who gets a license etc.
France is going to be the big one, possibly Belgium and Turkey, the other major leagues should all be doable once divisions are confirmed.
Ill go through and check which are and aren’t likely to cause issues and write something people can be directed towards.
@TheMinsterman I should have quoted this originally. The issue was specifically with European spots
Ah ok that makes sense, I’ll get something up it’s because I have to go through each country one by one after adding their new qualifier and then do playtests to figure out where the “break” happens that’s makes it not want to work and just enter a ton of teams from top 3-4 leagues.
Charles van Nes
So no one can tell me what those Europe and South America files will do in the game?
Europe - “A file including changes to reflect the qualified teams for UEFA club competitions for the 2024-2025 season.”
South America - “A file updating the South American continental club competitions.”
Charles van Nes
@Zangor Thank you for explaining!
Lucas Favier
I tried starting a new game with Corinthians but Hugo Souza is still at Flamengo. Player page here in Sortitout shows he should already been transferred. Any one with same problem with one player who should be at a different club but not showing up? Other players seem fine(i.e. Carlos Miguel moved to Nottingham yesterday and is already reflected). Also Rafael Ramos is not at loan at Ceará. Am I doing anything wrong?
EDIT: I figure that if I start in 2023 start date (brazilian season begins in janury, so beggining of current season would be january 2024) players above will be at correct clubs, however with contract end date in december 2023 instead of december 2024 which would be correct date. Please help as this is making it impossible to start brazil save for 2024 season with updated transfers. thanks.
Lucas Favier
Hey guys, just complementing the post above. Seems a few players have loan end dates before loan start dates which prevents them from being on loan when game starts or in the case of Caca, Hugo Souza and Ruan they have the wrong loan end date, for example Hugo was loaned to a portuguese team until june and now is loaned until end of december to corinthians. Caca was loaned from japanese team to Athletico and now is loaned to Corinthians for all of 2024 starting on march, however loan start date is including the previous loan dates.
Thanks for the feedback @Lucas Favier I appreciate you trying to explain it.
The issue of start dates being after loan dates i'll look into. Can you give examples?
Brazil always throws up alot of issues each year and unfortunately it's a league I haven't played in years so forgive me and be patient if I misunderstand some things and try to explain them as clearly as possible.
Brazil has starts dates from December 2022 all the way to April 2024.
Our data update always reflects real life as of right now. So you will have players from the July transfer window that's the same as the default game where you'll have European January transfers even in August.
If you start on 1/1/2024 then if a players contract has been set to December 2024 that will break things as this would have been adjusted to December 2023 and it will end before the season actually starts.
If you start on 1/1/2023 it should be okay though no? Or does have different issues? If it has different issues can you try and explain?
I've started to contribute changes to the overall Data Update. It is surprisingly addictive to just rattle through and submit them. I'm focusing on lower-valued players, because I think there will be no shortage of people submitting the transfers and moves of higher-valued players. With that in mind, a couple of quick questions from me:
I have downloaded the latest data update, but I cannot use that.
It should be like at first screenshot.
But my game looks like the second.
How can I fix that?
Thanks alot for your help @maconnolly 🙂 Sorry it took a while for anyone to reply.
(1) That depends if the second team is in the game as a distinct team e.g. Real Madrid and Real Madrid Castilla or if it's just the U21 team e.g. Arsenal/Liverpool etc. If they're a distinct team then please transfer them to that team.
(2) Release them 🙂
You probably haven't installed it in the right place, make sure you don't have any extra folders (all the fmf files should be in “editor data” not a sub folder) and make sure you've actually extracted the zip file.
Make sure you've read this guide properly: https://sortitoutsi.net/content/62063/troubleshooting-football-manager-data-update-installation-how-to-install-football-manager-databases
Hey @Lucas Favier just checking in if you could clarify these things for me?
Can Riccardo Calafiori’s CA/PA be adjusted to match his ability based on last season and Euro performances, Also Arsenal transfer budget to reflect new budget for new season if possible
I found a player (Max Hamelink) who is still in the FM2022 database. He now plays for ACV Assen, and I would like to add him to the 2024 database. Who can do this?
If anyone could add Tomas Silva (ex. Vizela, born in 1999)) to Jagiellonia Bialystok? (Polish PKO Bankpolski Ekstraklasa) / FM 24 database.
Is it possible to update squad registration for Turkish Super League? After first season registration rules change to 12 foreigners etc. A new Turkish Football Federation president is elected and he changed the registration rules back to 14 foreigners etc.
Hello, I could not find the data update package for 6 August. I wonder if it's me. I don't know if I'm missing something or are there occasional delays? Can you help me with this?
Now, it's ok. 🙂 Thank you.
esquiladas cu de melancia
I have it on the right place, but i cant use anyone's update.
if i choose one file of editor data, all clubs will disappear.
In the latest version of the database in AC Milan there is no player Francesco Camarda and for some reason Alex Jimenez plays for Real Madrid Castilla
Why are there no current Champions League participations in the data update?
I've fixed an issue where some players had a “forced date for initial contract” that overruled our changes.
This will be available in the next build.
Special thanks to @Krebwy for discovering and investigating this issue
I've now added support for secondary job roles.
@CTxCB and @LBOW6 you have both been asking for this 🙂
Excellent - thanks.
I will tweak those staff that I can remember that have 2 roles!