15 years ago
1 month ago
Most critics seem to agree its worth playing for the Nemesis system alone. I really want to play it but with FIFA and Dragonage still to get and money being particularly tight at the moment it's not gonna be a priority. Will definitely get it eventually though, likewise with Forza Horizon 2 and maybe Sunset Overdrive
15 years ago
4 months ago
With it having no multiplayer, it's certainly one of them games you can wait till you have the time to play.

Only 720p with 30FPS on the Xbox, compared to 1080p with 60FPS on the PS4.
13 years ago
9 months ago
Will probably get it in a few months. Watched some people play it at EGX as didn't want to queue for 2 hours and looked great
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
I don't understand why people queue for hours at conventions especially when its to play a game that's out in a few weeks, or a few days in the case of Mordor
13 years ago
9 months ago
I don't understand why people queue for hours at conventions especially when its to play a game that's out in a few weeks, or a few days in the case of Mordor

Same I think the longest I queued was about 30 minutes for Sunset Overdrive which by about midday went to a 2 hour queue. Was plenty of games I wanted to play but just went in whatever queue was shortest.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Just traded 5 keys from Team Fortress 2 with someone for Civ V: Gods and Kings & Civ V: Brave new World. Basically I paid £7.15 for stuff thats worth about £40 in the Steam store.
12 years ago
4 years ago
After watching Rooster Teeth (well, Let's Play)'s let's play of Shadow of Mordor I really want to go and buy it.
15 years ago
4 months ago
Yeah, just played about an hour of it, and it's great. Bit overwhelming at first, seems like the whole map is covered with orcs! I got to grips with the combat pretty quickly, suppose that's because I played the Arkham games a lot. Only died once so far.


Mordor’s Nemesis system is the perfect balance where your own death actually makes the game more interesting and fun to play.
12 years ago
4 years ago
How come every site I look at says to pre order and it comes out November?
15 years ago
1 month ago
its November on previous-gen if you're still using that
12 years ago
4 years ago
its November on previous-gen if you're still using that

Ah yeah, that'd be why then!
15 years ago
4 months ago
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Just bought BeamNG.drive. Best body damage on cars in a game i've ever seen.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
EA can go fuck themselves.

When I got my PS4 (a few weeks ago), I had FIFA 14 (off a roommate) to tide me over until FIFA 15 came out. Note, I was playing FIFA 14 fine on the 360 for months before this.

So on the PS4 I had to sign in to Origin, tried that, it said my account was suspended (same one I used on 360). So I went to the online chat, they couldn't do anything, emailed the cunts accountdisputes shite and made a new Origin account so I could play FIFA. I could still login to the account on the browser, and no indication of being suspended there at all.

Got an email back there (after I re-sent my original email):

We have received your most recent correspondence dated October 7th expressing concerns about the action that has been taken on your account on March 10th.

Whilst we appreciate the information that you have provided, following an in-depth investigation into your account and the complaint that you have made, unfortunately we must again advise that your account was actioned correctly in full compliance with our policies and procedures.

Your account was correctly identified as violating our terms of service, which state that you shall not; "Promote, encourage or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of exploits or cheats and/or distribution of counterfeit software and/or virtual currency/items"

For further information on our policies and procedures please follow the link below: http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC/
Please also note that we do not provide any details regarding our internal procedures.

Due to the above we will not be removing the ban that has been applied to your account.

As we have now completed two extensive investigations into your complaint we consider this matter closed and this as our final correspondence on this subject.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

Yours sincerely,


EA Terms of Service

What the actual fuck? I didn't even play FUT at all, and only played online about 3 weeks before I got the PS4 (which makes no sense if the account was banned in March, wtf).

So it seems like I'm stuck with my 'new' account and can't recover the old one (had since FIFA 12 or whatever).

Bunch of cunts. Gonna go destroy some helpdesk lads day for the sheer fuck of it now
15 years ago
7 years ago
PSN down again for about the 400th scheduled maintenance this month.

Useless cunts.
14 years ago
15 hours ago
Really don't know why people go with Playstation.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Really don't know why people go with Playstation.

Because it's better.
14 years ago
15 hours ago
In what way though.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Objectively? Pretty much every.

The only reason to get an Xbone is if all your mates already had one.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Objectively? Pretty much every.

The only reason to get an Xbone is if all your mates already had one.
14 years ago
15 hours ago
For me personally i don't know anyone with one (other than those on here), but game wise its perfect for me as the three i only ever buy/play are all better on Xbox. COD, FIFA and Forza. Obviously Forza isn't on PS4 but its far better than any racing game the Playstaion has.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Well thats fine, but two of those games are cross platform anyway. And Gran Turismo is hardly a bad racer if thats what you're into. It's also the far more powerful bit of kit.
14 years ago
15 hours ago
Yeah obviously the actual games (COD & FIFA) play the same, but both have deals with Microsoft meaning we get things first or as with the legends in UT exclusively. Just the other week the web app was down but was fixed first for Xbox users and iirc the demo was available first for Xbox? Its little things like that that for me make a big difference.

As for being much more powerful, its only really the graphical side where the PS is stronger but unless you're gonna be playing on fairly large TV it won't even notice.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Naughty Dog is enough for me to always pick Playstation.
15 years ago
4 months ago
13 years ago
9 months ago
Im not a fan of driving games so Xbox having Forza don't really bother me. I mainly went PS4 as i had PS3 and got a good deal on it now virtually all my mates have one. Only thing making me get Xbone is games like Halo & Sunset Overdrive.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
PC all the way. Only reason I still play consoles is because they are much cheaper than the PCs i'd want to get.
18 years ago
3 months ago
PSN down again for about the 400th scheduled maintenance this month.

Useless cunts.

Really don't know why people go with Playstation.

VP, Xbox One friends has been down for 30 hours and counting, so you technically cannot game with friends, i know the online isn't down but still, i play on my xbox 90% of the times with friends, at the moment i can't do that.

Both consoles are as bad as each other and both were released a year too early, imo.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
PS4 was cheaper and my mates have one. Easy decision for me
14 years ago
15 hours ago
VP, Xbox One friends has been down for 30 hours and counting, so you technically cannot game with friends, i know the online isn't down but still, i play on my xbox 90% of the times with friends, at the moment i can't do that.

Both consoles are as bad as each other and both were released a year too early, imo.

Fair enough having a moan as it is wrong and should of course work. But if you want something that never goes wrong then you're well out of luck with both consoles. In fact Xbox Live is massively more reliable online than PSN and as i personally only play online i don't think i could ever go to Playstation as i'm always seeing people complain about it.

Xbox Live


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