13 years ago
3 years ago
So I sold my gaming PC last month, as I wasn't using it for many games, only FM, so I'm looking at buying a laptop for around £800-900

Only mandatory thing is that is has to be one of the new Haswell CPU's, I'm not sure if Dual Core is suitable enough for FM or if Quad Core is an absolute must have. I like having around 5-6 nations (England, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Scotland) the main European countries. I also need a laptop that will be suitable for save files that can last 30+ in-game years, so 8GB is also a necessity


EDIT: 1080 is a must too please!
11 years ago
1 year ago
With 900 euros you buy Samsung Series 9 NP900X4C-A06US 15-Inch Premium Ultrabook

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