O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago

OLT Expanded Hair Pack v4.0:

I always thought there were way too few hairstyles to offer any variety in NewGens in the game, and while I rectified most of that problem with the previous three versions of my OLT Hairpack, I still feel more are needed. I focused on ensuring all ethnic groups were represented in all colors and lengths in this version. In doing so I was hoping to eliminate the problem of "false balds", thinking they were the result of perhaps not having a hair available in the correct style. While this update significantly reduces the "false balds" problem, it doesn't entirely eliminate it. So, I'm still trying to figure out what is going on there.

Here is a short breakdown of what V4 brings to the popular OLT Hair Pack:

This time I added more than 900 new hairs to the pack! 947 new ones, to be exact! Also, in addition to this - those are all truly unique. In the past I used to recolor a lot of hairs to add the same style in different colors. I don't do that any more. So a dark brown hair style will not have an identical match in light brown (of the new ones). That means that I actually cut 947 unique styles of hair this time. It's been a lot of work - but add so much more variety. It's worth it in the end!

As I already said above - I've made sure that each ethnic group (afro, asian, euro and so forth) have hair images for all lengths (long, short, medium) and all colors within each of these lengths. It's kinda hard to find an Afro with long red hair, for example... but I've managed them all in the end! Reason I did this was that I was hoping the problem with "false balds" would go away. It didn't - not entirely. But the problem is MUCH smaller than it used to be, so you'll rarely see shirtless balds if using the shirts version, and the Default Replacements.

And, speaking of bald players. Let's talk about the "real balds". I've ensured these now appear with the shirt as well. They also come in a variety of styles, so that bald players can now have full beards, goatees, moustaches or earrings. There are even a couple of styles of spectacles and a small neck tattoo variety. I continue to try out new things to add to the variety, and I feel these things have really put some character to the players. These are very rare, also, so you won't be seeing them often. That's what makes it all the sweeter when you come across them.

Last year I introduced shirts on the players. I was never really happy with that dull grey t-shirt I put them in, and I always wanted to get a proper football jersey on them. I've been trying to figure out a way to add these with color coding to represent the current team they're playing for, but I've come to the conclusion that this is not going to be possible the way things are set up right now. So, I went with one that I feel is neutral enough, and doesn't catch your attention too much. White with a blue trim. I feel it works tremendously well. Let me know how you guys feel about it, so I can keep that in mind for the future. Hopefully, colors won't be an issue, if ever there is a way of using color coding... let's hope SI

In addition to my Hair Pack, I also decided to offer an additional download to add shirts to the default hairs as well. It looks kind of weird if only players with my hairs get realistic shoulders, while the defaults still appear as heads on a stick. So make sure you get the default replacements as well!

Next time around I'll be focusing on replacing a lot of the hairs that are not up to snuff. Over the years that I've been doing this thing, I've learned a few tricks and I've become better at creating much more realistic hairs for the players. The more realistic the hair - the more realistic the whole player looks. So, while I've been focusing on numbers up until now, next update will probably not add that many to the hair count. However, it should ensure that no players have a bad hairday... well, they might - but not because the hair is poorly cut.

I still haven't given up on the idea of color coded shirts, either. I'll continue to try and figure out a way to do this, since it would add so much to the game. There is a certain joy to looking at a player and seeing him in your team colors after you purchase his services.

I'll also continue to look into the "false bald" problem, and will do an update immediately if/when I figure this problem out.

You can't go wrong using this, guys!


- OLT Expanded Hair Pack v4.0
- OLT Expanded Hair Pack v4.0 (No Shirts) (Only download this if you don't want shirts on the players)
- OLT Default Replacements - Adds Shirts to the default hairs!

Newgens will never look the same once you install this!

Please delete the old "olt hairpack" folder before installing this one, to prevent any unwanted effects. Further instructions on how to install below.


- Extract "olt hairpack" folder into the following directory:
- [YOUR FM INSTALL FOLDER*]\data\facegen\hair
- DO NOT OVERWRITE THE EXISTING ORIGINAL FOLDERS (afro, asian, euro, hispanic, mixed_race). You should have the "olt hairpack" folder in this directory IN ADDITION to the other ones, or you will mess up your game.

* Steam Users (default):
- C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\football manager 2014
* Others (default):
- C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014

Note: In the facegen/hair folder, you should notice five folders already (afro, asian, euro, hispanic & mixed_race). These are the default hairs for the game. You should add the "olt hairpack" folder to those five in there so you don't write over the original hair styles. So DO NOT extract the "afro", "asian", "euro" & "hispanic" folders from within the "olt hairpack" folder directly into the "facegen/hair" folder. Extract the actual folder "olt hairpack" into this directory.

If you have a previous version of the OLT Hairpack installed, I recommend deleting the "olt hairpack" folder before installing the new one (all old hairstyles will still be there).

This is what your install folder should look like:

After installing this update you need to clear the cache and restart your game for them to take effect. So, go into Preferences/Interface and click the button "Clear Cache", then untick "use cache" and enable "reload on confirm". Then confirm and exit the game. Restart the game, and the new hairs should now be in effect. You can then safely return the settings to use caching for increased loading times.

- You may redistribute this file, provided you distribute the original .rar file, including this readme.*

- Enjoy

* I would, however, prefer you use the official Mediafire link contained in this post, so I can keep track of the downloads.


Known issues:

- Regens sometimes change hairs upon installation of new updates, but as long as the hair folders remain the same, so will the hairs.

- There is still an issue where some players are not assigned a hair and appear bald with no shirt. I'm still trying to figure out a way to solve this!

- Rarely, some extreme featured faces may not align 100% with the hair image. Most notably with the bearded ones. But, 99% work just fine!

------VERSION HISTORY--------

Version 4.0
Afro: 169 NEW (315)
Asian: 115 NEW (237)
Euro: 272 NEW (692)
Hispanic: 222 NEW (351)
Mixed: 169 NEW (321)

TOTAL: 1.916 new hair styles

Version 3.0
(Including white border removal on old hairs + shirts!)

Afro: 83 NEW (133)
Asian: 18 NEW (121)
Euro: 118 NEW (420)
Hispanic: 20 NEW (118)
Mixed: 6 NEW (6)*
*All afro's currently used for mixed as well...

TOTAL: 804 new hair styles

Version 2.0

Afro: 1 NEW (50)
Asian: 99 NEW (103)
Euro: 44 NEW (302)
Hispanic: 2 NEW (98)

TOTAL: 553 new hair styles

Version 1.0

Afro: 49
Asian: 4
Euro: 258
Hispanic: 96

TOTAL: 407 new hair styles


PS. Anyone who wants to see a specific hairstyle with my next release are welcome to post a picture of it here, and I'll get it done for use in the game.

The picture has to be a "mugshot" type picture - head held up, looking straight forward.

I'll even do YOU (You can blur out your face to protect your identity) I'm in there from the initial release... always a good chuckle when I recognize a player with my own head of hair...

Also noteworthy... it's better if the picture has good contrast and lighting. Natural colors is important, so don't provide those yellowed out cell phone pictures...
12 years ago
1 week ago
I was waiting for this pack. Thanks mate
14 years ago
8 months ago
This is awesome!! Nice work!
15 years ago
3 days ago
I love you, OTL.

The new hair pack is AMAZING!
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Thanks, guys!

Hope your FM experience will be enriched with these new hairs!
Uwe Seeler
16 years ago
3 days ago
13 years ago
6 days ago
Jason Dux
12 years ago
10 years ago
You have the default hairs? I replaced unintentionally, and I ended up losing the default hairs.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
You have the default hairs? I replaced unintentionally, and I ended up losing the default hairs.

You can download the Default Replacements. All that does is add the shirts to the default hairs.
14 years ago
1 month ago
I loved the previous versions but this is truly amazing. FM wouldn't be the same without it. Great job.
One question though. Is it technically possible to remove the default hairs? If my memory is correct, it was possible on a previous FM when using your pack.
18 years ago
3 days ago
Brilliant work OLT
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
I loved the previous versions but this is truly amazing. FM wouldn't be the same without it. Great job.
One question though. Is it technically possible to remove the default hairs? If my memory is correct, it was possible on a previous FM when using your pack.

I actually haven't tried removing the defaults myself. But, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Especially if you've done it before and it didn't cause any troubles.

I'm not quite sure that it doesn't require a numerical _01 by default, or it would assign a non-existing hair, creating a "fake bald" instead. There are tests I've been meaning to do, but I just haven't had the time to go through all that yet.


The rest of you - thanks again! It makes it all worth while, knowing you guys are enjoying this.
15 years ago
8 years ago
Thanks for making greatest variety of hair
12 years ago
6 months ago
Thanks, i really love this pack

But one question, can i remove a file, for instance "darkbrown_3050", or i have a problem because a have 3049...3051?
I not like the sunglasses.
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Thanks, i really love this pack

But one question, can i remove a file, for instance "darkbrown_3050", or i have a problem because a have 3049...3051?
I not like the sunglasses.

The game would still use darkbrown_3050, so instead you'd get a "false bald" player. You can, however, replace it with another one that you like. Just copy another darkbrown hair and name it darkbrown_3050 to replace it if you don't like the sunglass dude. There's only that one hair, though, that sports those

Either that, or go into the config files and remove 3050 as well.
16 years ago
14 hours ago
Fantastic work. New shirts look great.
12 years ago
7 years ago
Top stuff, tfs!
Mitchell Moure
12 years ago
16 hours ago
I've just downloaded this and now all regens in the game are bald. Can somebody help me? I wanted a variety of hair, not no hair
Lebohang Mokoena
18 years ago
2 hours ago
Great work! Regens now looks better than ever!!
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Thanks, all!

I've just downloaded this and now all regens in the game are bald. Can somebody help me? I wanted a variety of hair, not no hair

I wish I knew what it is that goes wrong for you "all balds" folks. No matter what I try, I am unable to replicate such a problem.

Here's what you should try.

1. Ensure that it truly has been installed in the correct manner. See OP for istructions.

2. Again, ensure that you have cleared the cache properly. Don't just untick the cache box and reload the skin. You need to click the button that reads "clear cache". Confirm that you want it to clear upon next restart. Exit the game and then re-enter.

3. Untick "show generated faces" in preferences and confirm. Exit the game. Next time you restart, re-enable player faces and see if they are re-assigned using new hairs.

4. Completely uninstall OLT HairPack and revert to defaults. Make sure those work as usual and there are no issues. Then, follow instructions and install OLT HairPack again - make sure you follow every step of the install instructions so that it is done correctly.

If all of this fails, then I can only assume it's some memory leak problem. What are your computer specs? Does this happen only on a previously saved game, or do you get all balds even if you start a new fake players game?

I need more info, because I would like to once and for all figure out why some of you experience this. It's very rare, but that doesn't make it any more fun for those who get a game full of shaved heads.
16 years ago
2 years ago
The new hairstyles are awesome. Amazing work, OLT.

1 little thing I noticed - You may have done it on purpose, I'm not sure.. But some of your default replacement hair is a different colour to the actual default.

For instance file afro > long > black_02

The default is black and yours is a dark brown.

I'm sure I'd never notice/care in-game but I just wondered if it was a mistake or you meant to do it like that?
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
The new hairstyles are awesome. Amazing work, OLT.

1 little thing I noticed - You may have done it on purpose, I'm not sure.. But some of your default replacement hair is a different colour to the actual default.

For instance file afro > long > black_02

The default is black and yours is a dark brown.

I'm sure I'd never notice/care in-game but I just wondered if it was a mistake or you meant to do it like that?

Hadn't notice myself

I did some touching up on the hairs to remove some of the whiteness around them a couple of years back, so I don't want to go through them again. SI must have changed them over the years, while I'm still using the same hair images they had a couple of versions back. That's probably why it appears dark brown.

Something I may have to change for next time.
17 years ago
1 week ago
Loved the old pack, and from what I've seen so far in game the new pack looks very good!

Well done OLT! Blue and white looks like a good choice
12 years ago
1 month ago
Thanks for the great work!
I have installed it correctly (but ain't sure, that I didn't messed up something with my previous version).

Now all regens has just the silhouette-picture, instead of the generated faces.

Does anyone know what might went wrong or how to fix it?

Would love to get some help
12 years ago
1 month ago
Thanks for the great work!
I have installed it correctly (but ain't sure, that I didn't messed up something with my previous version).

Now all regens has just the silhouette-picture, instead of the generated faces.

Does anyone know what might went wrong or how to fix it?

Would love to get some help

EDIT: Sorry, for the double-post, don't know how to delete it!
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Thanks for the great work!
I have installed it correctly (but ain't sure, that I didn't messed up something with my previous version).

Now all regens has just the silhouette-picture, instead of the generated faces.

Does anyone know what might went wrong or how to fix it?

Would love to get some help

EDIT: Sorry, for the double-post, don't know how to delete it!

Make sure you have ticked the "Show pictures of generated players (and staff)" option. Then reload the skin. That's the only thing I can think of if they've got silhouette pictures.

If not - ensure you have the config.xml file next to the folders as show in the picture above (install instructions).
12 years ago
1 month ago
Make sure you have ticked the "Show pictures of generated players (and staff)" option. Then reload the skin. That's the only thing I can think of if they've got silhouette pictures.

If not - ensure you have the config.xml file next to the folders as show in the picture above (install instructions).

Thanks. Unluckily none of this worked.
Is there anyway I can "re-install" the the original hair-folder (and then "re-add" the olt-folder), without re-installing the game?

Cheers and thanks for your answer!!
O'Leary's Trainee
16 years ago
8 years ago
Well, the original hair-folder should be untouched if you've installed correctly. So just removing the olt hairpack folder would uninstall my pack.

Unless you also installed the default replacements - but that only replaces the default images with ones with shirts.
14 years ago
6 years ago
12 years ago
1 month ago
Well, the original hair-folder should be untouched if you've installed correctly. So just removing the olt hairpack folder would uninstall my pack.

Unless you also installed the default replacements - but that only replaces the default images with ones with shirts.

Well, I must have done something wrong when I first installed the FM13-version of olt - maybe I merged the folders or the config?
But is there any way to replace the folders and config with the original ones - without re-installing the game?

Thanks for your help!!

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