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Now that the sliders have been removed from FM2014 we're blessed with an all new player instructions system which works alot like shouts in previous versions of Football Manager. This guide will explain what each of these Football Manager 14 Player Instructions mean and how you can use them in your FM14 Tactic.

Player Instructions allow you to designate specific instructions to any individual player in order to tailor their playing style in a certain way. To access the Player Instructions in Football Manager 14 you need to click the "Player" sub-tab in the top right of the tactics screen. Once there you should see a screen a little like this:


From this screen you can use the formation screen on the left to choose any position on the field. You can then choose to set player instructions depending on what specific players are playing in that position or general settings for any player who happens to be in that position. If you set instructions for specific players these will overwrite the more general instructions. On the left you should see a button called "Any player in this position", this is obviously used to set the instructions for anyone who plays in that position. Or you can click "Add Player" in the bottom left to set the instructions for that specific player.

The role's and duties you can give to each player will be covered in a different guide. For now we will focus purely on the Individual Instructions you can give to a player. To access these click "Edit" next to where it says "Instructions and you should get a screen like this:


In this example a few options are greyed out because the player i've selected is a defensive midfielder and some instructions aren't applicable to a defensive midfielder. When you select one option such as "Pass it shorter" the option for "More direct passes" will become red. This is because the two instructions contradict each other and you cannot give a player both instructions.

Now to the important stuff, what does each player instructions mean for the player and how will it tailor his game in a match?

Possession Player Instructions

Hold Up Ball

Hold Up Ball asks players to take a moment or two longer with the ball than they perhaps would ordinarily, slowing the pace of the game in order to gain a greater perspective over affairs.

Shoot Less Often

Shoot Less Often asks players to retain possession and remain patient in search of a more opportune moment at which to finally shoot.

Shoot More Often

Shoot More Often encourages players to attempt a greater number of shots when posed with a potential chance, rather than looking for a pass.

Dribble Less

Dribble Less asks players to primarily pass the ball around and not attempt to beat opponents individually by way of taking them on.

Dribble More

Dribble More encourages players to be more individualistic and seek to make gains by dribbling their way past opponents, rather than passing their way towards goal.

Run Wide With Ball

Run Wide With Ball encourages players to move into wider areas of the pitch when in possession in a bid to stretch the opposition and disrupt their shape.

Cut Inside With Ball

Cut Inside With Ball asks wide players to look to come into central areas when running with the ball, driving inside their opponent and heading towards the goal.

Distribution Player Instructions

Pass it Short

Pass It Shorter asks players to adopt a shorter passing game and primarily retain the ball with a patient approach.

More Direct Passes

More Direct Passes encourages players to take more risks when passing in a bid to find the ball which could unlock an opposition defence.

More Risky Passes

More Risky Passes encourages players to play low-percentage passes in the hope that one or two of them will unlock the opposition defence in a potentially decisive manner.

Fewer Risky Passes

Fewer Risky Passes asks players to retain possession first and foremost, playing a sensible and patient passing game without unnecessarily turning possession over to the opponents.

Cross More Often

Cross More Often encourages regular delivery into the penalty area from wide positions.

Cross From Deep

Cross From Deep asks players - most typically full-backs, although not exclusively - to set up crossing opportunities from deeper areas on the pitch rather than wait until the ball is in the attacking third.

Cross From Byline

Cross From Byline asks players to get the ball as high up the pitch as possible in wider areas before attempting to cross into the goalmouth and penalty area.

Cross Aim Far Post

Cross Aim Far Post asks players to deliver their crosses towards the far post.

Cross Aim Near Post

Cross Aim Near Post asks players to deliver their crosses into the near post area.

Cross Aim Target Man

Cross Aim Target Man asks players to deliver their crosses in the general direction of a designated target man.

Cross Aim Target Centre

Cross Aim Centre asks players to deliver their crosses into the centre of the penalty area.

Take Quick Throws

Take Quick Throws asks goalkeepers to get the ball moving quickly once in their possession by means of a quick throw to a well-positioned team-mate.

Take Long Kicks

Take Long Kicks asks goalkeepers to kick the ball long as their primary means of distribution.

Distribute to Defenders

Distribute to Defenders asks goalkeepers to seek a short pass to a defender as their primary means of distribution.

Distribution Specific Team-mate

Distribution Specific Team-mate asks goalkeepers to seek a pass to a designated team-mate as their primary means of distribution.

Movement Player Instructions

Get Further Forward

Get Further Forward encourages players to adopt a more attacking mentality and seek to make an impact on the game in advanced areas.

Hold Position

Hold Position requires players to remain in a primarily defensive capacity and ensure that the team remains responsible at the back.

Stay Wider

Stay Wider encourages players, primarily those in wider areas of the pitch, to stay as close to the touchline as possible in a bid to stretch the game over the full width of the playing surface.

Sit Narrower

Sit Narrower is designed to set the team up to play in the central areas of the pitch, either to exploit a weakness in the opposition or to consolidate defensively in a bid to keep the opposing threats on the periphery.

Move Into Channels

Move Into Channels asks players - particularly attack-minded players - to find vertical spaces between opponents and pull away in such a manner that a team-mate can find them with a pass which in turn draws a defender out of position.

Roam From Position

Roam From Position gives players the freedom to leave their designated position within a team's basic formation and instead find pockets of space in which they can be more effective.

Defending Player Instructions

Close Down Less

Close Down Less asks players to retain their defensive shape and make it hard for the opponent to break them down, rather than risk being caught out of position when closing down.

Close Down More

Close Down More encourages all players to make the effort to harass any opposing player who has possession in hope of forcing a mistake and ceding the ball to them.

Ease Off Tackles

Ease Off Tackles asks players to consider the ramifications of an aggressive mistimed tackle and instead will encourage them to pick their moments in a more timely fashion.

Tackle Harder

Tackle Harder encourages players to be forceful and combative when challenging for possession.

Mark Tighter

Mark Tighter asks players to stick particularly tight to their assigned opponent in defensive situations so as to limit the space they have in which to attack the ball.
12 years ago
1 week ago
12 years ago
7 years ago
"Mark Tighter asks players to stick particularly tight to their assigned opponent in defensive situations" - how do you do that, though? How do you manage man/zonal marking?
7 years ago
9 months ago

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