16 years ago
3 months ago
I am looking at an extreme for of LLM where I cannot see any attributes. I am thinking it could be as easy as changing the colour of the attributes to match the background of the skin and thus hide them.

Does anyone know if this can be done or has been done? Or does anyone know of any already made skins that have done this?

PS: I am looking for this on FM08 but any theories or practices that could be transfered from a more recent edition would be greatly appreciated.
18 years ago
1 month ago
If you've downloaded a skin, then go to the settings folder and edit the skin name settings.xml file. Inside you should find lines like this:

<colour name="low attribute" red="240" green="240" blue="240" alpha="0"/>
<colour name="normal attribute" red="170" green="170" blue="210" alpha="0"/>
<colour name="good attribute" red="150" green="240" blue="100" alpha="0"/>
<colour name="excellent attribute" red="240" green="150" blue="0" alpha="0"/>
<colour name="special attribute" red="0" green="180" blue="0" alpha="0"/>

Except they won't have the alpha attribute. Add that to each element, save and reload the skin. It should look like this:
16 years ago
3 months ago
Thanks for the tip man works well.

The same trick doesn't seem to work on the graphical analyser though. WIll mess around a little to try and hid this too.

Any tips?
18 years ago
1 month ago
There's an attribute called attribute analyser line, try that.
16 years ago
3 months ago
Tried that the alpha attribute doesn't seem to be affecting it.

You can change the colour of the line but not seem to do anything about the opacity.
16 years ago
3 months ago
I have a new problem. The player ratings no longer show up unless I am in the tactics screen mid-match.
Any advice on fixing this?

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