Go to Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2013. If a folder named editor data does not exist, then create it.
Delete all previous instances of this file or others named similarly.
Put this file in there and start a new game. Voilà, problems sorted
Make sure click 'Clear Cache' after download SSKCC14 then reload skin then Start a game!
example - After download, open FM14, Preferences> Interface > click 'Clear Cache' > click 'Reload Skin' > Start a game!
Delete all previous instances of this file or others named similarly.
Put this file in there and start a new game. Voilà, problems sorted

Make sure click 'Clear Cache' after download SSKCC14 then reload skin then Start a game!
example - After download, open FM14, Preferences> Interface > click 'Clear Cache' > click 'Reload Skin' > Start a game!

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It is not yours mate, but i edited the colours of Darul Takzims kits and in game they change to something completely random and not the ones i made
Any idea why?
you may mistake?.....is it Johor Darul Takzim FC correct?
you need start a game after you change colour of kits
Yeah its the correct team, i started a new game started in December 2012, played a whole season and when it got to the start of the 2013 season they changed to some totally random kits
Any idea of a release for any updated international kit packs?
still working on it.....try full europe pack..some still from last year they wear for 2014 tho....to be patience!
ill add World Cup 2014 pack coming soon!
(this only for add third kit Gil Vicente from Portugal ZON Sagres fixed)
No need download if you not play for ZON Sagres
what you mean? is it only show for England?!
I ve tried things like clearing cache and reloading skins, but it doesnt work, do you have any idea what could be the problem?
Can you tell me which club kits not showing please.
if any problems, please post here...then ill update if any missing kits, not showing etc.
Si Ford
I always alter it to Yellow / Black and it would be better in my opinion
Excellent piece of work again Hammer
Thanks for your quick reply hammer9.
I fixed the problem already, turns out i made a stupid mistake after all. I am sorry for the inconvenience and the kits look great, thanks.
(its for Azerbaijan pack only)
Before I download the file. I've just Installed FM'14 and there is an editor data folder already and in there is a config file, do I delete that, then replace it with this file?
Many Thanks.
If SSKCC there, to replace on them, if not there, go get download SSKCC!
No there isn't a SSKCC there, its just a config file that has been installed after I've installed the game. So should I have that config and the SSKCC config in the editor data folder(so 2 configs in total).
Change wales from Red/Yellow to Red/White, and remove Wales third
Change Russia from Red/blue to Burgandy/Gold,
Remove Poland 3rd,
Remove N.Ireland 3rd,
Remove Italy third,
will do.
(after New Relink for Chile Leagues to fixing config so this link for Chile League only)
yes...2.0 replace over them so delete other old verison
(its for Europe, Oceania, Afghan, Australia, Croatia, Malta and Switzerland Challenger)
Holland should be orange/white
Ireland should been green/white (green/lime green looks weird)
Spain's should be red/gold
England don't have a 3rd kit (the blue in england should be lighter)
Italy don't have a 3rd kit
Tonga needs to be red/white (currently its red/red, you cant read it)
Vanuatu needs to be yellow/navy (currently its yellow/yellow, you cant read it)
Wallis and futuna needs to be red/white (currently its red/red, you cant read it)
Cook islands needs to be green/white (currently its green/green, you cant read it)
Ireland should been green/white (green/lime green looks weird) - look ok but change to green/white
Spain's should be red/gold - ok .
England don't have a 3rd kit (the blue in england should be lighter) - ok removed. (you say blue in england should be lighter lol)
Italy don't have a 3rd kit - ok removed.
Tonga needs to be red/white (currently its red/red, you cant read it) - ok change to red/white
Vanuatu needs to be yellow/navy (currently its yellow/yellow, you cant read it) - ok change to yellow/navy
Wallis and futuna needs to be red/white (currently its red/red, you cant read it) - ok change to red/white
Cook islands needs to be green/white (currently its green/green, you cant read it) - ok change to green/white
(fixed for only Poland - T-Mobile Ekstraklasa (correct colours, remove 3rd kit)
Dont really want to have to wait for a new update when it is just the odd kit not working
I change the colour of them in the editor but then this change does not happen in game
(its for Africa and South America Nations only)