The FM14 Adboard Patch

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a previous version of the ad-board pack - please delete it and re-install the new pack. Many of the files and folders have been re-named and this will avoid leaving unnecessary duplicates


NEW UPDATE PACK - 29/06/2014

Full Ad Board Pack Version 14.04.1:
Sortitoutsi: Download Now

Depositfiles: 14.04.1 Ad BoardsDownload Now

World Cup Update: Download Now


Update History
World Cup UpdateUpdates World Cup Boards
Version 14.04.1 - Removed XML Parsing Error
Version 14.04 - Corrected German XML, Overhaul of Chile, Overhaul of Argentina,
English addition of Plymouth, Wycombe & Accrington, Italian addition of Torino
Version 14.03.1 - Removed XML Parsing Error, Reworked Fifa 14 English ad board
Version 14.03 -
Changed League Cup, Changed Skrill Premier
Updates to European Competitions, Overhaul of Austria, Overhaul of Germany, Chilean Update
Argentinian Update, Swiss Update, Greek Update, South Korean Update
Some New premier league club boards, Minor board graphical tweaks and changes
Version 14.02 - Fixed a problem where some French boards would not appear
David Wilson
12 years ago
1 week ago
How was this fixed?? Still having this issue
17 years ago
5 days ago
How was this fixed?? Still having this issue

You'll need to be a bit more specific I'm afraid, what is the problem your having?
15 years ago
2 days ago
Hi, i finished Argentina with National Team and Nacional B Adboards (for error i included Independiente Club Ads who is this year in Second Division).

And i've started Peru, but its difficult find decent quality adboards, my plan apart from the League adboards is release 6 clubs adboards of the 16 clubs, the 3 greatest (Alianza Lima, Universitario and Sporting Cristal) and 3 successful teams in last years' championships (Cienciano, Universidad San Martin and Real Garcilaso, famous for reaching last year the Quarter Finals in Copa Libertadores and participating again this year but with some criticism with racist chants), but for now i've avance to my pace beacuse i have other proyect outside FM, and i've approaching the end of my summer vacations.

Finally, The link with Chile and Argentina Completed. Chile and Argentina (as always the agregado.txt contains the code for add, the xml files is from rabcp's last year version).

12 years ago
4 days ago
Est ce que quelqu'un parle français afin qu'il puisse m'aider s'il vous plaît? Je ne comprends pas tout. Merci.
David Wilson
12 years ago
1 week ago
This is great! but for some reason this seems not to be working for me at all. During the game play its showing add boards such as 'Fifa, Continental and some slandered add boards for FM.

I have tried everything, when I removed the No club folder it has took away ''Fifa' and 'Continental' adds and just left the standered FM ones. Cant seem to get the league adds going?? any suggestions anyone? I think I'm slightly cracking up!
17 years ago
5 days ago
This is great! but for some reason this seems not to be working for me at all. During the game play its showing add boards such as 'Fifa, Continental and some slandered add boards for FM.

I have tried everything, when I removed the No club folder it has took away ''Fifa' and 'Continental' adds and just left the standered FM ones. Cant seem to get the league adds going?? any suggestions anyone? I think I'm slightly cracking up!

If your seeing the following list of boards:, Continental, Heineken, Subaru, Sony, Visa, Budweiser, PowerAde, Castrol & Coca Cola
Then these are the defaults in the ad board pack - you just need to play a league game (not a friendly) and the club/league boards should appear

If you're seeing
Fifa, Continental & Football Manager, Warchild & Sports Interactive then there is a problem with your pack
Your only seeing some of the boards
Please check that you have a complete pack - all the ads listed above should be in your graphics/pictures/ads/default folder
If the pack is complete re-check the cache settings
Go to preferences Go to the display tab and untick 'use skin cache'
tick 'reload skin on confirm'
untick 'clicking on an ad board takes you to its owners website'
Make sure 'size of text & images' is set to 100%
Confirm these changes and exit and restart FM
17 years ago
5 days ago
A list of whats currently planned for the next release:
Coming in 14.04
Boards for Torino by SpGR
Chilean & Argentina Update by natarin
Extra English league clubs by me
(Plymouth & Wycombe already done)
Pras Pru
11 years ago
7 years ago
I've downloaded version 14.03.1 and doing all the way over but why still the default (sega, sports interactive, and others)
if it matches the version 14.1.3 football manager 2014?
please how do I fix it?
Pras Pru
11 years ago
7 years ago
first time playing football manager 2014, in the match I've seen players such information when an offside player photo
after i change in preference and play again no info like that again in the match
I forgot what I changed
how do I restore it?
18 years ago
44 minutes ago
Can't make them work. Still showing the default FM ads.
Any chance to share the template you use for the adboards, as some portuguese ads need updating.
18 years ago
1 month ago
Can't wait for the update
17 years ago
5 days ago
Can't make them work. Still showing the default FM ads.
Any chance to share the template you use for the adboards, as some portuguese ads need updating.

If some ads are out of date you can do one of the following:
1) Provide me with photographs of the new boards and state which they are replacing
2) Create a png image (size: 1024 x 128) of the new boards to include
I don't have a template, as I just ask Photoshop to create a new image that size
17 years ago
5 days ago
first time playing football manager 2014, in the match I've seen players such information when an offside player photo
after i change in preference and play again no info like that again in the match
I forgot what I changed
how do I restore it?

This has no relevance to ad boards, I would suggest asking in one of the skin threads or at
15 years ago
4 years ago
any updates coming ?!!
13 years ago
1 year ago

I having trouble installing the patch for my game.

I followed the steps as best I could but I was unsure with step 4. I think that might be a problem for me.

Any help would be greatly apprecitaed.
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
Est ce que quelqu'un parle français afin qu'il puisse m'aider s'il vous plaît? Je ne comprends pas tout. Merci.

Je parle Francais. Je peux peut etre t'aider. J'ai pas de clavier francais alors c'est difficile
17 years ago
5 days ago

I having trouble installing the patch for my game.

I followed the steps as best I could but I was unsure with step 4. I think that might be a problem for me.

Any help would be greatly apprecitaed.

After re-reading through the instructions, I agree that Step 4 wasn't exactly clear.
I have now re-worded it in a way that should make it easier to understand
Hope that helps...
15 years ago
4 years ago
updates ?!!!!!
16 years ago
1 year ago
The adverts changed but they are remaining the same no matter what league or competition is being played. How can I fix this? Thanks.
13 years ago
1 year ago
After re-reading through the instructions, I agree that Step 4 wasn't exactly clear.
I have now re-worded it in a way that should make it easier to understand
Hope that helps...

Sorry, still haven't got it to work. I put the 'club adboards' and 'no club adboards' folders into a seperate folder in the 'My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/' part and deleted the skin cache and reloaded the skin.

Still now working. Anything you can recommend?
17 years ago
5 days ago
Sorry, still haven't got it to work. I put the 'club adboards' and 'no club adboards' folders into a seperate folder in the 'My Documents /Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/' part and deleted the skin cache and reloaded the skin.
Still now working. Anything you can recommend?

Once that was done did you have step 5 done correctly?
(I would suggest using club adboards option)
Copy and paste the fm.xml file from the 'club adboards' folder to the 'ads' folder you created earlier (Step 3)
18 years ago
44 minutes ago
just me or there are tons if errors on xml, mainly incomplete file names, after i've edited the xml now all the adboards for portugal and benfica show, no more default ones. Also there are lines for asia champions league but no graphics.
17 years ago
5 days ago
just me or there are tons if errors on xml, mainly incomplete file names, after i've edited the xml now all the adboards for portugal and benfica show, no more default ones. Also there are lines for asia champions league but no graphics.

Firstly, there are certainly ads for the Asian champions league in the pack, if yours are missing I suggest checking your download
(They are in the current pack - I checked)
You should be able to find them at:
graphics/ pictures/ ads/ asia/ competitions/ champions league

I will have to look into the portugal section of the XML -
If you know what the problems were, then please let me know and I will make the required changes for the next update
13 years ago
10 years ago
Do you have some sort of filter you put on the ads to make them look real?
I'm trying to make my own for my Crewe-save, so i would really appreciate an answer.
16 years ago
1 year ago
I have tried everything as instructed but I am only seeing the default ads from the pack in all competitions. Please help me resolve this guys because I can imagine how great it is to see the different ads from all competitions. It would just make the game seem even more realistic!
17 years ago
5 days ago
I have tried everything as instructed but I am only seeing the default ads from the pack in all competitions. Please help me resolve this guys because I can imagine how great it is to see the different ads from all competitions. It would just make the game seem even more realistic!

Please make sure you have the xml correctly located, seeing the default fm boards means that the game isn't attempting to use any alternates.
Having the xml incorrectly positioned could cause this.
You should have your chosen xml here:
My Documents/ Sports Interactive/ Football Manager 2014/ ads/ HERE
dave byrd
18 years ago
8 years ago
I've posted this before. The German Bundesliga doesn't work properly. It displays a mixture of the default and Germany boards, mostly the default ones.. Same with the German cup. The German supercup only displays the default boards..

All the other leagues I've tried work perfectly...

I'm using the NO CLUBS .xml.
17 years ago
5 days ago
I've posted this before. The German Bundesliga doesn't work properly. It displays a mixture of the default and Germany boards, mostly the default ones.. Same with the German cup. The German supercup only displays the default boards..

All the other leagues I've tried work perfectly...

I'm using the NO CLUBS .xml.

You would be correct - (the problem stems from the 14.03 German update)
I will make changes to the xml for 14.04 that should solve the issue
dave byrd
18 years ago
8 years ago
You would be correct - (the problem stems from the 14.03 German update)
I will make changes to the xml for 14.04 that should solve the issue

Brilliant. Many thanks for all of your hard work.
13 years ago
10 years ago
Do you put on some sort of filters on the ads when you make them to look more realistic?

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