12 years ago
3 months ago

I've got a player who wants to leave my club. Not a problem, I can sell him for lots of money, but unfortunately he's my best player.

He's asked for a transfer a few times which I've rejected and tried to reconcile with him by assuring him the club can grow to reach his ambitions and we're going to qualify for the Champions League next year. However he has now decided that enough is enough and it looks like he'll be leaving when his contract runs out at the end of the season, to the point where he actually has the "Frt" status icon next to his name.

My question: does anyone know if this is reversible? If I can change his mind then I'll give that a go, but if it is set in stone once the "Frt" appears then I'd better try and sell him sharpish before his value goes down.

If anyone has any information or advice I'd be very grateful.


13 years ago
8 months ago
I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure you can't change there minds after that. Or at least I have not seen a way too
18 years ago
9 hours ago
My main suggestion would be to keep him happy, keep him playing and then actually achieve Champions League qualification or whatever it is he's after. After all of that, see if he will listen to your offer. It's highly unlikely once they've made their mind up but always worth a shot, especially if he's such a big player
13 years ago
4 years ago
as the guys have said very likely he will leave on a free
12 years ago
5 months ago
Wow, that sucks. I generally have a rule that if someone wants out, I sell them immediately or let them rot on the reserves, depending on how good he is or who wants him. I'm not sure if there's any way to change his mind. Maybe offer him a massive contract?

The other option is to maybe use the in-game editor. I'm not sure if it can change stuff like that (I think you can reset his happiness, which should theoretically take the unhappiness/free transfer stuff away). I wouldn't use it for that but if you're desperate to hold on to him, it might be worth it.
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
Never seen a player change his mind on a Bosman, but that's usually because once they make their mind up I punish them for it and banish them into the reserves.

To avoid this kind of thing I always sell my players 12 months before their deals are up, heading into a new season I see which contracts are up in 12 months and then I make the call as to whether the players will be sold or retained. Sometimes you have to sell your best players to progress, if a player is asking for too much you may as well sell him and reinvest the money. Even if a player is asking for too much and you're playing in a league where you won't get a fee for him, its better to move him on so you can reshape the squad as opposed to him leaving in 12 months anyways and then you rebuilding the squad.

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