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I hope this post can do two things:
1. Convert anyone who ignores their backroom staff
2. Help people find the best staff possible
Here is a list of some great backroom staff that are unattached at the beginning of the game and do not ask for much wages and the difference they have made to my training.
I find the best staff are mainly from Brazil and also some from Italy so you will need both of these countries enabled in order to find majority of my staff.
I started at Hoffenheim in Germany as a bit of a challenge. Here is my starting staff and the coaching ratings they all provided.
Staff List
First Team Coaching Ratings
U19 Coaching Ratings
As you can see not a single category above 3.5 stars and these guys were costing me a total of £64,000 a week.
Couple days later my team looks like this
Staff List
First Team Coaching Ratings
U19 Coaching Ratings
Only a handful below 4 stars now, 8 extra staff and even better is these guys were all unattached so no compensation fees and their wage bill is now £40,000! Adding almost £25,000 to the wage budget for players or saving the club £1.3m a year. Ignore Ruud Van Nistelrooij in there, I have an unhealthy obsession.
Below is a list of their names and how cheaply I managed to get them sign 5 year contracts. A general rule of thumb is you want your coaches to have a high rating for the following:
The Category you are looking for ie Goalkeepers or Defending
There are topics with the exact formula FM uses to calculate how good a coach is and even excel sheets to calculate it for you. You will find these on the forums somewhere
First Team
Assistant Manager - Sorry this is my wife, its sad but I add her in game
Goalkeeping Coach Shot Stopping - Salvino Damiao - £325 - £8.6k compensation (the only coach with compo but his cheap wages I felt justified it)
Goalkeeping Coach Handling - Oscar Rodriquez - £1400
Fitness Coach Strength - Gian Nicola Bisciotti - £2200
Fitness Coach Aerobic - Flavio Trevisan - £1700
Tactics - Dudu Fontes - £1200
Ball Control - My Wife - Please post any great ball control coaches you find below
Defending - Paulo Cesar Batista Dos Santos - £750
Attacking - Ivan Couto - £3500
Shooting - Marco Landucci - £4000
U19 Coaches
Head of Youth Development - Bernard Peters I scored here this guy is amazing and starts at Hoffenheim
Use the same Fitness and Goalkeeping coaches as your first team.
Tactics - Bernard Peters
Ball Control - Antonio Raione - £2900
Defending - Fabrizio Ferron - £2200
Attacking - Fernando Galvao - £1200
Shooting - Ruud - Please post any good shooting coaches you find below
You're going to want physios with a high Physiotherapy rating obviously but Determination, Discipline and Motivating are also factors here.
There are numerous Physios you could sign but I signed these guys again all unattached:
Head Physio - Odir De Souza - £3100
Physio - Jose Vitelio - £1600
Physio - Octacillio De Matta Lopez Junior - £700
Physio - Karolin Kieffer - was here already and kept here as she was female, not actually much use!
U19 Physio - Giorgio Puricelli - £700
You are sending your scouts all over the world for months on end to find you new players, this means that the following attributes are essential:
Judging Players Current Ability
Judging Players Potential Ability
Personally I never sign a scout with JPA or JCA less than 15 but if you do sign any with slightly lower stats you can always use them to get a rough idea of how good a player is and then re-scout them manually with a better rated scout.
Chief Scout - Hans Martin Kleitsch - Again started at Hoffenheim
Scout - David Hamilton - £1500 - Need England Loaded
Scout - Paul Montgomery - £400 - Need England Loaded
Scout - Mauro Innocenti - £2200
Scout - Lica Crivelli - £1400
Scout - Ramon Maddoni - £875
Scout - Ayres Morais De Albuquerque - £750
Scout - Newton Motta - £2700
These as I said before are all unattached at the beginning of the game and will join a mediocre team. I hope this has helped some people to improve their staffing and I hope we can grow this list so all categories have 5 stars, please post any other great staff you know of below (also any attractive females).
You can get Ricardo Moniz as coach. He got 4.5 stars on shooting.
Tyrion Lannister
I was gunna show the free ones though...
I'll be needing some of that Lannister gold of yours before you can Imp!
You cant spell PIMP without IMP.