11 years ago
3 days ago
When it comes to non coaching backroom staff like managing directors and chairmen etc how do their attributes affect the game? Im thinking of bringing back Ginola, Asprilla, Lee, Shearer, Malcolm McDonald etc in some kind of staff roles at NUFC replacing the likes of Mike Ashley, Joe Kinnear etc but want to know how their attributes will affect the managing experience for me.
For example im thinking of doing a database where club legends return to their clubs in the present day to help coach and run their favourite teams. For example the class of 92 taking over at man utd. Beckham as chairman, Cantona as DOF, Neville, Scholes, Butt and Giggs as directors who influence how the club moves forward. Same thing with Arsenal(Bergkamp, Henry, Pires, Vieira) Liverpool (Fowler, Rush, Dalglish, Owen) Tottenham (Sheringham, Anderton, etc) and so on . . . . .
12 years ago
10 years ago
I think the role is as useful as what you want it to be, if that makes some sense. For what ever you want him to do, you simply match someone with the right stats for the task you are hiring him for. example; If you don't do contracts and require your DoF to fulfill this man management should be taking into considering perhaps good discipline, determination and JCA. For youngsters JPA, working with youngsters etc this will help. I do not have any facts on if a club legend spurs players on if he's brought into the club. I could only imagine it would help morale maybe inspiration as there is an idol feature within players information tab. Yet still, if it isn't it sure is a good role play for the user.
Tyrion Lannister
12 years ago
5 years ago
crikey, that was a good reply!

It doesn't help in game which I find a major flaw. I often manage in the lower leagues, hoping that employing Jamie Redknapp will make a difference, but it doesn't help. Silly really.
12 years ago
10 years ago
Maybe in future releases, I'm sure they can fit it in within 4000+ features each year. Maybe code it with the nation of character and rep, against the nation and rep of the club you sign him for. Possibly mixed up with rival clubs and favourite clubs so you don't get a "Figo, pig-head situation".

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