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Apologies if this has been posted before. I know SI don't have the license to use stadium pics anymore when the match is playing via the match engine.
Since then people have created their own stadium pics and normally you just download them to your graphics folder and voila as soon as i play a game my stadium pic appears just like if i'm playing away from home e.g. away to Arsenal then the Emirates will appear. I don't use the 2d and 3d match engine because i'd rather see the stadium pics as the match is being played than dots or stick men.
How do you get it so the stadium pics appear in the background during the game? I don't mean just on the club info screen i mean during the match engine
I've downloaded a stadium mega-pack but that doesn't seem to be showing up in the match screen so whether or not that's just designed for the club info screen i'm not too sure
I know it's been done in all other FM since they lost the license to put them in themselves
The attached pic is what i mean for example, looks far cooler than dots and stick men
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, managed to get them showing now even when you click on the premier league it shows Wembley in the background, looks nice. But like you said you can only just make them out. I'm using the Steklo skin as that seems to be the only one i've tried that it works with. I've googled transparent skins but it seems like there are none out that are compatible yet with stadium megapacks. Shame because these stadium pics look amazing.
Do you know if people have given up making transparent skins or are they just too hard to make these days? I know they made transparent ones to show the background pics before.