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The Minsterman Update 2014-2015
After a couple of seasons break, I have finally decided to delve back into the wonderful world of FM summer transfer updates. For the past couple of years the update went under the name the Official sortitoutsi.net Update (which is still available here and being worked very hard on by the great team on these forums), but I can announce that the age old Minsterman Update will return this summer! Some of you may (or may not) remember this update from the past (I have been editing most summers for a decade now with a short, education inspired break) and I offer a big hello to all you "newbies" as well.
The update is currently in BETA and I must stress this as much as possible, the available download is NOT a finished version (i.e. there will be missing transfers, there will be a lack of transfer fund changes as I add these close to the end of the window for more accuracy and other things you would expect for a BETA in progress), normally I would NEVER release the update before the end of the transfer window, but I have decided to upload an open public BETA to let people help me out by spotting errors, highlighting missing transfers and so on. These threads are always useful as they allow you to interact and help ensure the update is as polished as possible. I must stress again that a fully playable version will not be available until the close of the window and it will inevitably get more accurate and fill missing gaps (some of which I know about and just need to get round to over August), making more playable as we go along.
Please report any errors in this thread (respectfully please, again it's a BETA), this is one of the primary reasons for this thread to allow community interaction. Please note I do not include loan deals below six months in length, so do NOT include these.
BETA Features
- Player Cleanse (all players who joined last summer will no longer refuse transfers based on "just joining the club"
- Optional files that update changes to league structures (i.e. Italian lower leagues), although the main database will work without them.
- The base database does NOT make any changes to player stats whatsoever. There MAY be an OPTIONAL file which does this.
- Regular changes will be uploaded to this thread to keep the update continually updated.
Leagues Updated
Green - Completed, Red - Incomplete (Could be due to ongoing appeals, structural changes etc)
Transfer Accuracy
Dark Green - High level of accuracy across most playable leagues, Light Green - High level of accuracy across the top playable divisions, Yellow - Moderate level of accuracy, Blue - Club in Continental Club Competitions accurate (i.e. Champions League etc)
Dark Green - High level of accuracy across most playable leagues, Light Green - High level of accuracy across the top playable divisions, Yellow - Moderate level of accuracy, Blue - Club in Continental Club Competitions accurate (i.e. Champions League etc)
BETA Download Link
Extract these files into My Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2014 > editor data and select them in game to allow to take effect. Please note running this database with other files MAY cause problems due to incompatibility.
Version 0.1 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate01
Version 0.2 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate02
Version 0.3 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate03
Version 0.4 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate04
Version 0.5 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate05
Version 0.6 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate06
Version 0.7 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate07
Version 0.8 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate08
Version 0.9 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate09
Version 1.0 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate10
Version 1.1 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate11
Version 1.2 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate12
Version 1.3 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate13
Version 1.4 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate14
Version 1.5 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate15
Version 1.6 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate16
Version 1.7 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate17
Version 1.7 Patch - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate17patch
Version 1.7 Patch 2 - http://www.filedropper.com/tmupdate17patch2
Facebook Link
Please be aware that this currently in BETA, the leagues also require testing to see whether they function etc and whether the numbers involved in the Skrill South after the expulsion of Salisbury has any effect.
Some issues taking Salisbury out, so I have re-added them for the time being with a 100 points deduction so they will go down at the least in the meantime whilst I try to look for a solution. Changes to league structure are always a tricky thing when leagues are set to run for one season with x number of teams with y the next.
ok minsterman thanks for the reply ill give it a go and let u know if theres any conflicts
Phil Neville
Chris Woods
Jos van Dijk
Training physiologist He writes my [training] programmes, he has also been working with me since AZ. We have a very good relationship and it is very important to write the programmes that the trainer has to do. It always has to be progressive because it's important that your players are not injured because of the preparation. Until now, we are doing great but we've only had a few days working with the players.
Max Reckers
I can't forget my computer guru – it's unbelievable because he's not only my computer guru, he's like my son. But he's not called van Gaal, his name is Max Reckers and he is a Performance Analyst. He collects all the data that we need. We have a lot of data because at Manchester United there was already a philosophy that you have to measure everything and it's called the sport science department. It's unbelievable what kind of data they have and I'm very pleased that kind of support is already arranged in Manchester. They have supported us very well, not only in sport science but also the medical department and the kit men. It's unbelievable what organisation you have to make for such a big group at such a big club.
Taken from....
Nicky Butt
U21s Coach not First Team Coach
This release includes all of the deadline deals as I caught them, more up-to-date leagues, more extensive finance edits, more accurate leagues and much, much more! Featuring almost 118,000 changes in total!
Thanks for all the help so far guys, please keep the help coming, I can confirm there will be patches available adding more and more, but this is completely playable
I will plug it in my facebook group m8
For some reason Poland is not working with the update m8
Not a prob for me but....
I have now uploaded a minor patch with a couple more transfers and fixes and a fix for the Polish problem
Andy Briggs
Have any CA/PA changes been made?
Nope, not for this release, I may make an optional file with changes for a later release though so those who want to play with it can and those who can't are not forced to.