16 years ago
1 week ago
Can we get someone to put up a link or change the skins a little so on matchday the panel/boxes are transparent so we can see our stadium backgrounds.

Any help would be much appreciated.
15 years ago
8 years ago
Yes, this is also what I've been looking for.
15 years ago
3 hours ago
Never understood this request.....Stadium Backgrounds do not show on Match Day.....we have the pitch!!!!
Do you mean Pre Match Screens? need to provide screen shots of the screen you mean if you would like me to help.
16 years ago
1 week ago

Here is a picture from SI Community with the panels that we want transparent, when these are transparent you can see the stadium background clearly giving you a better experience on match day.

If you can help with a file download so we can put into the various skins available would be great.
15 years ago
1 year ago
Never understood this request.....Stadium Backgrounds do not show on Match Day.....we have the pitch!!!!
Do you mean Pre Match Screens? need to provide screen shots of the screen you mean if you would like me to help.

Yeah,DazS8, i want to this help again?
15 years ago
3 hours ago
thats the default skin though!!!
In that picture...that is not during the match though....the match has finished.
During a match in my game you get the 3d match pitch not a picture of a stadium.

This is why we make skins ... so they dont look like that picture though...with better panels etc

As you can see.....panels are transparent.....which I would say is the same for most custom skins.
Sorry but not really understanding as like I said I never see a stadium background picture during my matches.

I can look back at highlight and change my background like below
dave byrd
18 years ago
8 years ago
16 years ago
1 week ago
Can someone please make thes boxes more transparent ?

Here is the screenshot, iv tried the download on SI but while its better i would want it more transparent, iv tried but cant seem to do it, can someone make these boxes as transparent as can be please or link a download for us to download and put into our skins.

There alot of people who use the stadium backgrounds on split screen mode and to see them clearly on matchday makes a massive difference. Thanks in advance in anyone can help.
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hi DazS8,

Which skin do you use?
13 years ago
2 years ago
Never understood this request.....Stadium Backgrounds do not show on Match Day.....we have the pitch!!!!
Do you mean Pre Match Screens? need to provide screen shots of the screen you mean if you would like me to help.

He means when using commentary only and split screen it will show the stadium pics in the background on Match Day like the old championship manager days before the fall out. It's still for me and probably others a better experience that seeing 2d and 3d figures running about. Much better playing Bayern away in the champions league semi final and seeing their ground in the background
13 years ago
2 years ago
Can we get someone to put up a link or change the skins a little so on matchday the panel/boxes are transparent so we can see our stadium backgrounds.

Any help would be much appreciated.

You just need to replace two folders within the skin folder. It will never be 100% but the stadium pic is easily visible as shown in the screenshot compared to the screenshots posted in this thread

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