After more than 240 hours of work and research since 3 weeks, I am happy to release my Megapack of 75 updates !! 
My 75 updates have all been developed with the advanced editor and contain 99% of real formats of competitions and 90-95% of real rules ( limit maximum of foreigners, discipline, transfer windows, loan, league sorting, dates, break period, effectifs rules, match rules in play-offs and cups, points deductions, Bosman law..etc etc)
These 75 updates (+ the database Japan's players and staffs of widehawk) were tested in same time until October 2027: No bugs and no crashes !!
With these updates and the original leagues, there is therefore now playable:
- All countries in Europe
- All countries in South America
- The 23 best countries in Asia
- The 14 best countries in Africa
- The 13 best countries in North America and the CFU Championship for the qualification in NACL (Champion's League rebuild included in the pack but to use the file Only with the CFU Championship, otherwise, it's preferable not to select the file)
- The 7 best countries in Oceania
Place files inside: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\editor data

My 75 updates have all been developed with the advanced editor and contain 99% of real formats of competitions and 90-95% of real rules ( limit maximum of foreigners, discipline, transfer windows, loan, league sorting, dates, break period, effectifs rules, match rules in play-offs and cups, points deductions, Bosman law..etc etc)
These 75 updates (+ the database Japan's players and staffs of widehawk) were tested in same time until October 2027: No bugs and no crashes !!

With these updates and the original leagues, there is therefore now playable:
- All countries in Europe
- All countries in South America
- The 23 best countries in Asia
- The 14 best countries in Africa
- The 13 best countries in North America and the CFU Championship for the qualification in NACL (Champion's League rebuild included in the pack but to use the file Only with the CFU Championship, otherwise, it's preferable not to select the file)
- The 7 best countries in Oceania
Place files inside: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\editor data

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It's alright, it works now. I just deleted the files and re-imported them.
Perhaps I should try that aswell....
Hi, once you have extrated the folders to editor data, you need to remove the files from the folders (i.e from the Oceana folder) to editor data folder, then when you start a new game the leagues will be there.
Changes to 11/12/2014:
- All leagues are compatible with the patch 14.2
- Added International competitions: Oceania Cup U20, Gold Cup U20 and Gulf Cup of Nations
- Bugs corrected on Jamaica, Sudan and Iraq leagues.
Seva Tse
any way you can add North Korea, please!?!?
Jeffrey Chun Yin Lau
I downloaded this pack to play in first league of Azerbaijan but it doesn't work. I put it in the file in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2015\data\db\1500
unzipped it right away it isn't shown in the options menue.
Another problem is that the British Premiere League is called premiere division and all German leagues are not named correctly.
All other leagues like serie a, bbva are right though.
Edit: The Champions League and Europa League are named wrong aswell.
Am I doing something wrong?
Its wrong for a number of reasons, you place the files into the Editor Data folder in your 'My Documents' and then the league names are incorrect because of licensing issues. You need to download the correct name fix.
Sab Phurahong
Japan is not real because no one has created the players yet, look on the SI forums for WideHawks mod for that.
Nattaporn Aummaree
classens has done a wonderful job. In English next time please
Liam H
EDIT: Sorted at last haha. Thanks very much for this, much appreciated.
Marcelo Garcia Sanchez
Marcelo Garcia Sanchez
Silly question this, of course it is free.
660kb and of course its good, download and see.
Kittipoom Tachai
.FMF is the correct format for FM 15.
You haven't put the files in the correct place or you haven't selected for these nations to be loaded up.
All good, I just didn't use resource archiver...
Look's great (lack of Japan hurt's)
Come again?
I have the same problem as another user in that the Oceania nations show multiple times and lead to a crash upon loading. Has anyone found a way round this? It is only the Oceania nations that seem to cause the issue. I know that someone had said to delete and reload. I had the same problem. I also placed the files at the top level and within a subfolder, neither fixed the issue.
Brilliant work by the way, it adds a whole new dimension.