Shiny Logos Megapack

Here it is the Shiny 2013 Megapack, with more than 16000 club logos and over 1200 competition logos, and of course all Nation and Confederation logos, plus some extinct countries flags and alternative logos for clubs, competitions and nations. The pack will be updated regularly and new logos are always being added.
  • 100,059
  • 2015.02 - Released on 21 Apr 2015
Shiny Logos Megapack

Installation Instructions

Step 1) Where to put Football Manager Graphics

Once you've downloaded a Football Manager Graphic Pack and extracted it you should be left with a single folder on your computer. You're going to need to move that folder into a special location where Football Manager can find it.


Apple: Where to put the FM Graphic Packs on Mac

You will need to copy the folder to this location:


/Users/<yourname>/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/graphics


You may find it difficult to find this exact location, to make it easier, use the following instructions:


a) Open Finder

b) Click “Go” from the menubar and select “Go to Folder” (alternatively press Shift+CMD+G)

c) Copy in the following: ~/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/

d) Open the “Football Manager 2022” folder

e) Open the “graphics” folder (or created it if it doesn't exist)

f) Move the downloaded files into the ”graphics" folder


Windows: Where to put the FM Graphic Packs on Windows

Simply move the folder to the following location:


Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/graphics


What if I don't have a graphics folder?

If you don't have a “graphics” folder simply create it 🙂


What if the downloaded files ends with .zip, .rar, .7z

If you have a file that ends in .zip, .rar or .7z then you'll need to extract the files before installing them. These files are called “archives” and are a way to compress a folder into a single file for downloading but you'll need to open them and get the folder that's in them before installing. DO NOT put these files in your graphics folder, it won't work.


Extract the files first and then put the extracted files into your graphics folder. If you're not sure how to extract them, look at these guides for windows or for mac.


What if the downloaded files are in parts e.g. “part01.rar”, “part02.rar” etc

If you have downloaded a pack in multiple parts ending in “part01.rar”, “part02.rar” etc then you do not have to extract them all individually. Just extract “part01.rar” and the rest should all be extracted automatically.


Step 2) How to refresh graphics in Football Manager

Unfortunately even though you have the folder in the right place Football Manager won't automatically pick up the new files. You're going to have to go in and tell Football Manager to reload your graphics.


Simply follow these instructions:


a) Open Football Manager

b) Click Preferences on the start screen (or if you're already in a game FM Logo > Preferences)

c) Click the “Advanced” tab

d) On the right hand side select “interface”

e) Scroll down the Skin Heading

f) Uncheck “Use caching to decrease page loading times”

g) Tick “Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences”

h) Click “Reload Skin”

And now your graphics should be appearing.


You should go back into the preferences and follow the same steps but this time tick “Use caching to decrease page loading times”, this will help with the long term performance of the game, but needed to be unticked to install these graphics.

18 years ago
6 years ago

Someone needed this
Stuart Stevens
12 years ago
2 months ago
Do you know if there will be an update for Shiny Logos for FM15?
18 years ago
1 day ago
Do you know if there will be an update for Shiny Logos for FM15?

I believe the makers have said they're aiming to release it by Xmas.
Stuart Stevens
12 years ago
2 months ago
I believe the makers have said they're aiming to release it by Xmas.

Excellent, cheers
17 years ago
8 hours ago
Not having much luck uploading, Hammer. Tried jpg and png files. I guess I must be doing something wrong.......

But the orange lion in the 'away' badge is perfect.......that is the classic Dutch orange ! Could you possibly use that colour as the background for the 'home' logo ? As an alternative.........

ok but rather see sceenshot better dont sent attach...go ...upload screenshot, then copy link and to paste here ok
Fat Penlon
12 years ago
5 years ago
i used most Metallic before but now Shiny 14/15 ... ESS just not for me.

its up to you really...see what look like on your FM15

Cheers, I prefer the look of the shiny logos but was just wondering how comprehensive the coverage is in terms of the top leagues across nations at least.
Also I was a bit worried as it appeared that not all of the competition logos have been working or correct.

The only reason I have used metallic is because it has the most logos, the style doesn't work well for as many logos as this pack does.
Keep up the good work everyone, I hope this continues to expand.
18 years ago
1 hour ago

Someone needed this

Thanks, was missing that variation.
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Cheers, I prefer the look of the shiny logos but was just wondering how comprehensive the coverage is in terms of the top leagues across nations at least.
Also I was a bit worried as it appeared that not all of the competition logos have been working or correct.

The only reason I have used metallic is because it has the most logos, the style doesn't work well for as many logos as this pack does.
Keep up the good work everyone, I hope this continues to expand.

Well you should have read thru the topic or the first page, we are remaking the logos for FM15, all the leagues that are present on the game will have updated logo and correct logos for competitions and clubs, after that we will start working on the other countries.
Also what do you mean by: "it appeared that not all of the competition logos have been working or correct"
Explain please.
17 years ago
8 hours ago
New crest for club ID 1394649450 (Galway, being renamed as Galway United)
14 years ago
3 years ago
When you share the file, please enter the turkey's extensive .atn logo had in 2010. I can not find now

Google translate
18 years ago
6 years ago
Thanks, was missing that variation.

I very rare thing that - one i made myself
18 years ago
1 hour ago
I very rare thing that - one i made myself

Good one then.
18 years ago
2 years ago

Thanks for this, although I was just posting it to ensure it is included in the upcoming release

As I've already notified NunoKopio, if there's anyway I can help out please let me know as I'm a freelance graphic designer, Photoshop is mothertongue!
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Thanks for this, although I was just posting it to ensure it is included in the upcoming release

As I've already notified NunoKopio, if there's anyway I can help out please let me know as I'm a freelance graphic designer, Photoshop is mothertongue!

Sorry been busy as hell with work, i'm gonna send you a pm with the link to the shiny action file and with a short description of what we are doing and how we are doing them. You are not forgotten, my life just been hell these past days, xmas holidays are coming and my company work is double this time of the year.
14 years ago
2 years ago
What game???? FM14 or FM15?? Wath skin???

fm2015 it hasnt worked with any skin, not even the default skin!
14 years ago
3 years ago
Turkey Update

Spor Toto Süper Lig
PTT 1. Lig
Spor Toto 2. Lig (Kırmızı Grup/Beyaz Grup)
Spor Toto 3. Lig (1. Grup/2.Grup/3.Grup)

Update 16.12.2014

No Confing
18 years ago
1 hour ago
fm2015 it hasnt worked with any skin, not even the default skin!

Well they work for me, but what i can advise you is to wait for the FM15 version. Also untick the skin cache and clear cache and reload the skin.

Turkey Update

Spor Toto Süper Lig
PTT 1. Lig
Spor Toto 2. Lig (Kırmızı Grup/Beyaz Grup)
Spor Toto 3. Lig (1. Grup/2.Grup/3.Grup)

Update 16.12.2014

No Confing

Great job mate, but now the logos have a white stroke around them, so if you could redo them with the withe stroke that would be great, and we really want your help. Thanks.
Deleted Account #215144
Still targeting a christmas release date ?
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Still targeting a christmas release date ?
Yup it's gonna be hard but i'm doing my best.
Floro Flores
18 years ago
1 month ago
Floro Fotball ID 5000210
Deleted Account #215144
Yup it's gonna be hard but i'm doing my best.

TODAY IS THE DAY, Merry Christmas mate
15 years ago
2 months ago
Edit: Fixed the error, ignore this post
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Well has you all saw, the pack isn't out yet, some work problems took me away from home for xmas, and a few days, i'm working on the pack, i'm still trying to finish the competitions only then i start the clubs.
I will not do a full update, i'm concentrating on England and Portugal for the release and the clubs with missing logos present on selectable leagues.
Italy is updated by Ducc, i might update other GB Nations, but all depends on the work rate.
Deleted Account #215144
Well has you all saw, the pack isn't out yet, some work problems took me away from home for xmas, and a few days, i'm working on the pack, i'm still trying to finish the competitions only then i start the clubs.
I will not do a full update, i'm concentrating on England and Portugal for the release and the clubs with missing logos present on selectable leagues.
Italy is updated by Ducc, i might update other GB Nations, but all depends on the work rate.

take your time Nuno, your logos are the best I've seen
12 years ago
4 months ago
New logo Germany.
11 years ago
9 years ago
Italian Missing Logo.
18 years ago
1 hour ago
Italian Missing Logo.

THank you, ducc done them allready.
11 years ago
1 year ago
Will the packs for FM14 work fine on FM15 if I download that for the time being?
11 years ago
1 year ago
Will the packs for FM14 work fine on FM15 if I download them for the time being?
18 years ago
4 hours ago

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