11 years ago
9 years ago
I'm thinking about creating a DB with teams from different eras e.g Busby Babes, Ajax in the 70's, Milan in the late 80's/early 90's. What do guys think? Leave your suggestions below. I'll set the players ages to what they were when they joined the club, and their previous clubs (if any) will be set to when they were actually there.
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
A massive undertaking. Its something I have been looking at doing myself for years, if you are going to do this kind of thing you have to do it for yourself and not for others. If you do it for others then it will just be half-arsed and everyone will bitch. You'll find the project will get halfway off the ground and then crash as people's demands / your life take over and you can't find the time for it anymore

The best thing to do would be get cracking with her, spend a few weeks planning on it and working on it and then slowly release it to the general populous (if you definitely want to go down that route).

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