10 years ago
2 months ago
Hi everybody ! Welcome to my beautiful story, telling the adventures of ESC Longueau, starting in PH (7th French level). I'm not sure everybody will follow this one, but, eh, who cares ? I'm here for the ones who'll follow my story

First of all, here's the club and its... trophies :

About the trophies, I was just joking, there's none !

Let's introduce the players now !

Aaaaaaaaaaaand the staff

So as you see, real big team, Pretty sure I'll kick Real Madrid's ass.. Wait, what ? No real players ? Damn..

Finally, the goals of the season :

Thanks for reading, hope you'll enjoy following my story in the middle of nowhere !

Next update : Half-season (there's only 12 teams and 22 games in the season, putting a month by month story here would be ridiculous).

And the most important thing : If you have anything to say about the story and how to make it better.. Please, do it, I accept every (constructive) opinion !

PS : I didn't find the team in the team selector while creating the story, so I put unemployed..
18 years ago
3 days ago
Hope you manage to get a lot of players before your season start

Good luck
15 years ago
1 week ago
Good luck mate! Always like to see stories of people going from the very bottom to the top! Hopefully you manage to stay with this team for a long time and get them to new heights!
13 years ago
2 months ago
This will be fun!
13 years ago
1 year ago
7th tier French? Extremely rare to see anyone go that low in any country, but nonetheless good luck!
10 years ago
2 months ago
Alright, thanks everybody for following my story. And yeah 7th tier, I like those challenges, because I can play with small town teams where I live(d).

So, here we go for the first results of the magnificent ESC Longueau !

And let's start with the tactic (without tactic, it's anarchy !)

As you see, it's a flat 4-4-2, in order to have a solid defence, which is the key is lower leagues, and to have opportunities to score against everybody. Let's see if it works..

It kinda does, indeed ! The only disappointment is that draw against Compiegne. Leading 3-1 at the 55th minute, and we blew this, a real shame. You'll see why a bit later.

Now the French cup

First round and....... Goodbye, see you next year, man ! Quite a disappointment, because I planned on getting through the first round, but I drew a team which, IRL, should have been in French Ligue 2, so they have a lot of great players. Too bad, but I won't be able to do worse next year, at least.

Let's take a look at the standings

Second place. That's good, even if only one team gets promoted.

Maybe you'll be thinking "Wait, wait, wait, what about the signings ? He didn't start the season without signing players ?". But I did. But no other team did neither. Except from the two "B" teams, getting players from the A squad.

I just signed 3 players, because they had great performances with the team

Malvy-Fleury, Left Midfielder

Champion, Striker

And Boyer, also a Striker

So here we are, half-season, and still having the possibility of getting promoted, I hope I'll do it !

Thanks everybody for reading, hope you're enjoying this !

Next update : End of season (and maybe a few summer signings if I can do it)
18 years ago
3 days ago
Good start to the season
13 years ago
2 months ago
Great start mate
10 years ago
2 months ago
Thanks mates !

So, with this 22 games-league, I'll post all the results right now. But, first of all, let's start with this news

A takeover.. For a 7th tier team.. Well, why not ? It doesn't add something for me (except a steam achievement), but here it is. Now, let's take a look at something that's really interesting : The games !

Just one loss, so good 2nd half of the season. I didn't put the Compiegne game, and you'll know why when I post the standings

As you see, it's a final I'll play against them. And it's pretty simple : We win, we're champions and promoted. We don't, we stay here one season more. We have the "advantage" of playing this HUGE game in front of our 90 fans. Maybe this will help..

It didn't, even if we win (and therefore we're CHAMPIONS). We've been dominated pretty badly, especially in the second half. I was quite nervous after the 83rd minute goal, but we were strong after that. Great achievement for this season.

So here we are, thanks to the goal difference. We've never been 1st all season long, but we are at the best time of the season !

And let's finish this post with another team news :

We're half pro. With all his pros and cons. We'll have to have a great run in French cup next year for the finances..

By the way, I've signed a lot of players (young players from my academy and veteran players without contracts) in the second part, but I won't show them, they are too many people. Just that from a "half grey star" team, I'm with a real good team, with a 3 or 4 stars players, so that's good. I know Stars don't mean everything, but with this kind of improvement, it's kinda huge.

Next update : First 6th tier games, French cup (and maybe a few signings, I'll have to make some)
17 years ago
1 year ago
That's super bottom, man. I enjoy this kind of story. I'm playing in the 5th level of Wales. Congrats! Champions in the first season, that's fantastic.
13 years ago
2 months ago
;Left it late but done it! superb work first season
18 years ago
3 days ago
Congrats on getting promoted
10 years ago
2 months ago
Thanks motoclub ! I've read a bit of your story, it's looking good, I like it !

Thanks Dan, yeah, late but done, that's what matters in the end !

Thanks Johno

Here we go now, 6th tier, here I am. I understood the difficulty of the season I'll have by taking a look at this

I'm not a favourite at all. So avoiding the relegation is a good goal for this season I guess.

So I tried to sign some players during summer to improve my team. 3 good players came in (one after I took the screen), 2 quite bad left.

Mazzuchetti and Berton are really old, but they can bring a lot to my team, I hope they will !

And now, the ESC Longueau looks like this :

Some crap players from the beginning, surrounded by good signings and good young players. I like this idea..

A few pre-season games, to see how my team can perform..

No loss ? That's a pretty good sign. Even if I don't really care about it, the morale went up, and the results can follow for the games that matter !

And nooooooowwwwwww, let's get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in this league !!!!! Only 13 teams and 24 games (boring..)

Good start of the season. 4 points in 2 games, that's positive ! Bad point is that I only had 87 fans for the home game..

The French Cup 1st round draw took place too, I'll host a 6th tier team. I HAVE to win this game !

Next update : September & October
13 years ago
2 months ago
A decent start to the new season mate!
13 years ago
1 year ago
48, still playing, and not a goalkeeper?!
10 years ago
2 months ago
A decent start to the new season mate!

Yep, it's good ! My third game is against the huge favourite of the season, If I don't lose, I think we can have a really good season ahead !

48, still playing, and not a goalkeeper?!

Yeah, I was shocked too ! Maybe he'll push till' he's 50 to have some records
18 years ago
1 week ago
Great start in your second season, it looks as though there is lots of potential in your side
10 years ago
2 months ago
Thanks KEZ !

I'll start with a bad news. After the second game, my best defender got injured for 3 or 4 months, that's destroying my defence, bad luck

Real good month ! I've beaten the favourite (which turned to be a real disappointment in the standings). A hard cup game against Quetigny : An injury after 12 minutes, a player sent off after 85 minutes, an injury after 3 minutes in extra time when I couldn't do any replacement, and we won that game after penalty shots playing all extra time at 9 against 11.

Against Chantilly, we took an early 3-0 lead, and we just stopped playing in the second half. We've won, but it was close.

The Choisi-au-Bac game was just a bad play by my team. We didn't exist, and we can feel lucky to lose only 2-0. But a good reminder that it won't be an easy season.

Then we had an ugly game against Ailly sur Somme. I made a lot of changes in my starting squad, because of the French cup game coming 3 days after that, and we were able to win this, so 3 solid points once again.

Only 4 games in this month, with 2 cup games. Let's take a look in details :

Against Saint-Grégoire, I almost relived that Chantilly game. We were up by 3 goals at half-time (4-1), and we slightly give them the game. Fortunately, they started their comeback a bit too late, and we reach the 3rd round.

Chauny was a solid game with a bad start. They quickly opened the scoring, and it woke my guys up. A pretty good win against the last team in the standings.

And here comes THE game of the early season. Hosting Breteuil, the leader (with the same amount of points than us, but with a game in hand for them). They opened the scoring, my goalie stopped a penalty, I yelled at my boys at half-time and, here we go ! A really solid win.

For the 3rd round of the cup, I didn't have much expectations. Trélissac is in CFA (4th tier), 2 leagues upon us, we're playing in their stadium, not that much possibility to win. At least we scored a goal, that's something positive !

We are first !!! I didn't expect that at all. I bet my signings were good ! An excellent start of the season, let's hope it will last !

Next update : November and December.
13 years ago
2 months ago
Having another belter of a season here, would be great for a second promotion on the bounce!
18 years ago
3 days ago
Cracking start to the season!

Some good signings Surprised to see 48 years old still playing
10 years ago
2 months ago
Well, there's a non-scheduled update. With the amount of propositions I received, I just thought I had to share them with you.

14 clubs requested a meeting with me to be their new coach ! I'll put a few here :

Chantilly, a rival team, 3rd in the last update, asked me.

A really big surprise when I saw Strasbourg, in National, asking to meet me !

And finally, Trelissac requested a meeting. What did they think ? They take me out of the cup, and then they can sign me ? Come on !

So I was a bit shocked by all of this, but don't worry, I'll stick with my team !
17 years ago
1 year ago
Good offers of job
10 years ago
2 months ago
Here we go with the results for november and december !

A so-so month. A really bad game against Amiens. We were simply outplayed, a logical loss.

A better game (but not that much) against Abbeville. We won because they were really weak, but not a good performance at all. We got the 3 points though.

A good month. Another loss, but 2 good wins. We allow too much goals, so we have to score a lot to win games.

Nothing to say against Chambly. They were better, that's it.

The Beauvais, I thought I'll just hang myself. We're dominating, we open the scoring, we have a lot of scoring chances, but we don't score. They tied up the game just before half-time, and took the lead right after, while we were still dominating. I'm lucky that Berton stepped up and scored a hat-trick to give us a win.

A pretty solid game against Saint-Ouen. Just had some "fear" when they tied up the game at 78th minute, but we responded 3 minutes later. Their second goal came from a penalty 30 seconds before the end of the game, so no worries about this one.

We finish the year at the 2nd spot, just one point behind Breteuil. Best attack of the league (tied with Saint-Ouen), that's pretty good. 11 games left to get the title AND the promotion. Let's do it !

Next update : January and February (I'll probably post it on monday or tuesday)
13 years ago
2 months ago
Its close at the top, hopefully you nick it!
13 years ago
1 year ago
2nd at the halfway point is a great position to be in. Good luck the rest of the way!
10 years ago
2 months ago
Thank you guys ! An awesome start !

I had some time to play today, and I can update to where I said, so let's go !

A solid month. I just dropped a win against Chantilly, so that's good. A lot of goals against Senlis, I didn't expect that. 7 points out of 3 games, it's very good.

Another good and solid month ! Starting with a frustrating draw against Choisi ! We dominated them, but it was impossible to score. We had 17 shots but only 2 on target, so impossible to win with that. Too bad.

But, we had two great games just after that. With 4 different goal scorers, that's really good for the future.

And here we go for the standings..

Breteuil was simply AWFUL during these 2 months and we have a very solid lead. And, schedule magic, our next game is at Breteuil. A win, and we're almost champions !

As a bonus, the young players have come in the team, here's the result :

Very good draw ! M'Baye is already a solid goalie, and he'll be my starter from now on ! Leclercq will be a solid backup in the midfield too !

Next update : March and April
13 years ago
1 year ago
4 star current? 16 year old keeper? I'd love to see his stats and polygon.
13 years ago
2 months ago
4 star current? 16 year old keeper? I'd love to see his stats and polygon.

Remember it'll be based on his ass.mans ability as well as the current league ability etc! However I'm sure he'll still be grand stats wise for this team
10 years ago
2 months ago
4 star, but my team isn't that good though.

But here are the screens :
13 years ago
1 year ago
That type of keeper would be great for a team 2 levels above you, dude. And he can only get better. Great youth!

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