
Patch 15.3
1. FM15 Transfers & Data Update Pack 3.8 - Final Pack (by pr0) / 1.10.2015 / FM15 Transfers & Data Update Pack 3.8 - Final Pack (by pr0)
1. FM15 Transfers & Data Update Pack 3.8 - Final Pack (by pr0) / 1.10.2015 / FM15 Transfers & Data Update Pack 3.8 - Final Pack (by pr0)
This update contains over 147.064 changes from the 10th of February 2015 until the 1st of October 2015 that happened after the 15.3 database lockdown. Inside the .rar file you can find all texts that contain the database changes, plus the instructions text on how to install correctly the files in your game.
Instructions text , can be found at the end of the post also.
Transfers Update :
1. Player/Manager/Staff transfers from all around the world from the very best leagues to the small ones. Also passed away players/staff are removed from database.
2. Contracts/Numbers/Height/Weight/Nationality changes.
3. Added favorite clubs, staffs etc.
General Changes :
1. Added new people - chairmen/players/managers/staff.
2. Affiliations between teams.
3. Corrected captains.
4. New stadiums.
Wonderkids :
1. New young players created ,who will become world class players in the future ( wonderkids ).
2. In some cases adjusted CA/PA abilities of players under 21,that already exist in the game.
Current Ability / Potential Ability Changes :
1. Adjusted stats and current ability attributes.
2. Adjusted potential ability attributes.
Agents :
1. Agents created, with specific attributes and clients, to add more realism to the game.
Extract the files to : C:\Users\user\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\editor data. If editor data folder is not there, create one with this name only. Other names will not recognize the files inside the game. Then New Career Game. It opens a window where you have to choose the database. Search for the Editor Data Files option,then Custom and Edit. It will take you to a new screen where you have to choose my files. .Confirm and make a new game.
Q: Can we play this update without the CA/PA changes ?
A: Yes , the CA/PA file will be a new file beside the others. If you dont want this file , simply dont choose it when you start a new game.

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Tommaso Nardo
but as i can use both database? if i want yours changes and the changes of " Real Names and German National Team Fix ...." WHAT CAN I DO?
Tommaso Nardo
Tommaso Nardo
Tommaso Nardo
Tommaso Nardo
William Zão Gonçalves
Over 33.995 database changes! Download link can be found at the 1st post!
**Known issues :
• Today is the transfer deadline day, so some transfers may be missing.No worries, will be included for the final winter pack at 15th of February.
greetinds from belgium
FCZP 1925
Cesar@ro, sure thanks for pointing that.
kvo, i have included many transfers in Belgium for the next release.
15th of February is the next version coming with thousands of transfers!!!
Cant wait
Over 43.188 database changes! Download link can be found at the 1st post!
**Known issues :
• Transfermarkt has some kind of bug, and it doesn't show the transfers as before. So there will be some missed transfers due to this.
Your are a Star !!!!
Hebei link
1. I had only my files in the editor data folder, and for that all of them were ticked and i didn't need to press edit in the database selection screen, so I clicked ok and it took me directly to the nations selection screen. That worked for me perfect.
2. Someone in my facebook page wrote that as a possible solution , which worked for him : Quit the game. Go to "C:\Users\*your-user-name*\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive" and delete all folders. If you want you can try this, I am not responsible for anything.
This has nothing to do with my files. All of them are correctly edited with no faults at all. It's the game's problem, which probably "can't read" so many changes in the database. Last year I had over 100.000 changes and none ever made a crash on FM. This year we had this crash. I hope that everything is fixed with the new official patch.
I feel sorry for those who downloaded the files and didn't work for them. It's fairly bad because I wasted many hours to complete as many nations as possible and you couldn't see the results. I hope at least that we won't have same problems in future releases. I have to say again that has nothing to do with my files, but it's the game's error.
Wild Dog
Luca Di Matteo on Teramo
Hrvoje Miličević loan from Pescara to Teramo
Points deduction won't be added most likely. Also 1 point is not so important i guess..
Everyone please make suggestions based on the new official 15.3 patch which includes the winter transfers.
Brian rodriguez loan of numancia pro gremio (LOAN TO JULY 2016) / RS / BRA