Community skin, My best of best bits from most of the skins available for Football manager 2015

No more sidebar, unless needed. Just move the cursor to the left of the screen to make it appear.

Due to illness I am not going to be able to update my skin anymore or for a long while. Thank you to everyone that helped me put this together,

Flut, DazS8, Wannachupbrew, TomDixon77, Ivan, EmilDebski, Artdekdok, Bergkamp, Michael Murray, SantiagoP, Drswit, Marconni1985, FMReporter, dave byrd, wkdsoul, OzO - Graph, necjeff, gavo01
Please feel free to upload to other web sites

If you want to change the scoreboard Here's a collection I put together

Alternative Scoreboards

Installation instructions

Download the skin and extract the file (using either 7-Zip for Windows, Winrar or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the 2 extracted folders into your skins folder:

Windows: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins
Mac OS X: /Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins

Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "AndromedaV5" as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
Hit the Confirm button
Andrea S.S. LAZIO
11 years ago
5 years ago
Looks brilliant!
10 years ago
2 months ago
I would like to change the color attributes those normally I have changed, but I do not have those in the box
nice skin
17 years ago
2 months ago
I'm loving this skin, but I'm having a similar problem to a couple of people with lines available for match events (goal scorers, bookings etc). However I encountered the problem in the match fixtures/results page, with the fixtures/results only allowing room for 2 lines of events, and in some cases only 1.
17 years ago
9 years ago
How to change the player colour attributes?

Love your Skin m8

17 years ago
9 years ago
Where can i change the player atribute colour ?
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, I am having problems. After the update of FM2015 to version 15.3, some parts of this skin seems to be out of sync. Have you guys ever noticed it? Especially the wordings, if you know what I mean.

When you go to Board and view Board confidence, the sentences seems to be truncated. Not sure if its my screen...LoL. I am using 1600 x 900 screen size.
17 years ago
9 years ago
14 years ago
2 weeks ago
I'm not sure why you are getting panels out of sync

Mine seem to be ok so Im not sure why yours are different
14 years ago
2 weeks ago
Attribute colours can be changed in the settings
found at skins/andromedaV3/settings In the andromeda setting xml look for the lines called (profile attribute colours)
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
HI thebantams, is yours using a 1600 x 900 screen resolution?

Before this update to version 15.3, there was no problem at all. Any way you could look into this for us? Thanks!!
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
HI thebantams, is yours using a 1600 x 900 screen resolution?

Before this update to version 15.3, there was no problem at all. Any way you could look into this for us? Thanks!!
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
HI thebantams, is yours using a 1600 x 900 screen resolution? Before this update to version 15.3, there was no problem at all. Now I got this. Any way you could look into this for us? Thanks!!
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
oops, submitted duplicate comments....sorry.
15 years ago
1 month ago
same here....sentences truncated since the latest updated , pity though as this is by far the best skin around.
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Yeah I agree. This is the best skin ive ever used (of all the skins). Can thebantams look into this please?
14 years ago
2 weeks ago
Sorry you guys are having trouble, I am using resolution is 1366x768. Now in full screen mode. Please can someone send me a screen shot of the view that you are getting so I can fix it.

Does this update of the skin fix it or is it still the same. Cheers guys
14 years ago
2 weeks ago
Where can i change the player atribute colour ?

In the panels folder look for the 3 panels titled
(player profile technical attributes)
(player profile physical attributes overview)
(player profile mental attributes)

Removing them 3 panels enables you to change the colours from the preference screen/interface however this does remove the boxed attribute look. I have no way around this at the moment
15 years ago
1 month ago
[quote name='thebantams' user_id='240783' id='249577' timestamp='1425223483']
Sorry you guys are having trouble, I am using resolution is 1366x768. Now in full screen mode. Please can someone send me a screen shot of the view that you are getting so I can fix it.

Does this update of the skin fix it or is it still the same. Cheers guys

better mate but still a lot of the sentences are truncated. Tx for helping out.
14 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi could you post a couple of screen shots please. I know this skin is for the minimal resolution but most panels should be ok once a bit of adjusting is done.
10 years ago
5 years ago
dont work for FM2015 15.1.3 version...
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Hi thebantams, thanks for looking into our request for the adjustments. I will try out with your patch and see how.

a) I am using screen resolution 1600 x 900. Does your patch works in this screen resolution?

b) I am at work now, but will post some pics to here tonight. Just want to ask, how do i post screen shots from my game? Can you guide me?

14 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi thebantams, thanks for looking into our request for the adjustments. I will try out with your patch and see how.

a) I am using screen resolution 1600 x 900. Does your patch works in this screen resolution?

b) I am at work now, but will post some pics to here tonight. Just want to ask, how do i post screen shots from my game? Can you guide me?


I only know how to screen shot in windowed mode by pressing "ctrl + alt" together and the pressing the "prt sc" key. Then open up windows paint and press paste. Your resolution is different to mine but I can talk you through editing the panels that don't work properly on your system.

If You are on facebook you can reach me anytime there
14 years ago
2 weeks ago
dont work for FM2015 15.1.3 version...

Hi sorry no it won't I have changed the configuration. You need to update to 15.3.0
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, i have posted some screens here which have bothered me during the game. Perhaps, there could be a few more out there that need to be discovered. That's alright, maybe I will see such screens while I progressed through the game.
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Please see that when I moused my cursor over the text, I can see the full text although the actual paragraph shows that there are missing sentence at the bottom of it.

Hope this helps. Thanks thebantam!!
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Hi thebantams, just want to inform you that the players' attribute is missing when I play the game in full screen mode (not windowed mode). I managed to capture the screenshot.

How is it like that?
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Heya....I found another screenshot. Its the results screen. The score is 2 - 0 but the 2nd scorer's name is missing. appears only when I moused my cursor over (see the screenshot)
14 years ago
2 weeks ago
Yeah I will look into them panels for you. It must be to do with the differences in resolution. I send you some panels when I get home from work in a few hours from now. On your last comment about the score, does it solve it if you remove the cursors folder from the graphics folder in the skin
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, I found another screenshot that doesn't fully display the text. It is in the tactics screen. The screenshot is as attached.
Edwin Tan
14 years ago
2 years ago
Oh, just want to share with you that all the screenshots are based on Version 3.

The screenshot on missing attribute (Nemaja Matic) was based on version 3.1. In the end I have to revert back to version 3 as I couldn't play at all if the players attribute are missing. .

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