11 years ago
3 months ago
in my second season just about to play my first friendly of the season and when i click match preview the game lags for a few seconds then crashes out.

once windows has searched for a problem it then gives me 2 steam errors.

I am running latest version/update of FM15 on windows 7, I have posted screen shots and a crash dump below if anyone is able to help it would be much appreciated.

17 years ago
10 hours ago
I can't comment on the dump file as i can't read them, the image that steam can't connect is common and the installation box will always show after the game crash/fails to load properly.

As for the fm.exe error check this guide it may help you

Its something to do with your computer's memory, if you follow that guide it might fix the problem as long as the system your running has the specifications to run the game.

Post back how it goes if that helps you
11 years ago
3 months ago
thanks for the reply mate, unfortunately none of them worked, my laptops practically brand new so i dont see whats causing the problem its like a bat out of hell hdd is empty aswell, contacted steam support nearly 2 days ago they dont seem too bothered about helping in any way shape or form as im still waiting for a reply off them

suppose i will keep trying to get it going, will report back if i get anywhere.

thanks again
17 years ago
10 hours ago
lets try this for now...

So your system is fully updated? such as graphics card etc, sometimes i download and install a trial of a driver program and do a search then use the manufacturers site to update those items, such as usb ports, graphics cards etc.

Game save problem...

Is the problem on the same match? if so holiday past that date usually fixes the issue.

Is the problem only on that save or every save?
Make sure you have cleared cache files. disable any match engine edits such as pitch, net and balls etc by using the defaults. (only if this is the problem)

If none of them are the problem are you using any other programs alongside the game?
Have you tried something such as a game booster which is just like temp closing down of services and or programs that can cause some slowing down of games, such as iTunes if a large library that will use a large amount of memory small things like that maybe.

That is just some basics that are possible problems, but the game crash of the picture was a memory problem, its like fm had been unable to run due to lack of memory available this is why i thought the above may have been the problem.
11 years ago
3 months ago
Everything was up to date nothing even installed only bought it for fm haha

Yeah same match, didn't think of going on holiday, was thinking of resigning and going for another job but I've decided to just backup my save file wipe the laptop and upgrade to windows 8 so I'll install fm first after all drivers then I will update on the situation hopefully fingers crossed all will be well if not then holiday it is
11 years ago
3 months ago
Well seems all is well ended up formatting to windows 7 pro again, installed all driver updates and windows updates installed team viewer, steam & FM15 loaded my save file backup and got to play THAT match
17 years ago
10 hours ago
Glad its working again and that you managed to play the match, lets hope that you don't have the problem again. thanks for letting us know how it was fixed, maybe a driver (corrupt) was the issue maybe not.

I hope that your team has success and its an enjoyable save.
11 years ago
3 months ago
well upto now ive won 7 or 8 trophies in this save with minimal spending just concentrating on tactics and instruction differences,going well so far so going to try and finish my third season without a big spend, just been offered £47 million for sakho :o had to refuse of course haha.

will let you know if i come across any issues

thanks again for the help

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