10 years ago
2 years ago
Hi everyone, I set about making a database where Cornwall is independent. I got everything spot on, except for one major detail: the nation itself does not appear to exist in the game! I don't mean that I've failed to add nation rules and it's not playable, but simply that there is no way of accessing the nation screen for Cornwall, leading to no national team existing.
If anyone has any idea what's gone wrong there, then please let me know!
Reluctant Frank
12 years ago
7 years ago
Yeah, I had a similar issue when making expand on the issue, I'd say that the problem appears to be with the nation itself, rather than the national team? I'm guessing I've missed something really simple, but I just can't figure it out! I was initially concerned this came from editing an extinct nation, is that the case with you onlyc?

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